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  • 明星
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    阿弥陀佛 一日一篇 武侠与童话 地质与浪漫 你可能不会记得他们的名字 但我总想记录一下他们曾经的事件 分成三界,真山届 平面国 一篇科普文 一篇你的诗与武侠的科普文 人间山街 武侠永不死,一部成人的童话,一个聆听者的故事 世界观,感悟人生者,为圣 品悟自然 由柳永观钱塘,,感悟 张若虚春江花月夜感悟 李白侠客行 七种童话为契子,兆显过去,阳光光线下游走的分子 山之篇 陆川,我是庄周梦蝶, 死不了与一辈子是第一章 死不了告诉你
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    有人说生命是一条缓缓流淌的长河,当然其间也会有急湍,有奔走,从生命伊始便一直奔流不休。 我心中有一种大河恋。 大一时参加英语社团,需要写一篇全英文的自我介绍,记得那时我在里面写到,希望有那么一天,我可以用双脚来丈量祖国的万水千山,最后我可以站在黄河壶口瀑布的石矶上朝苍天呐喊,很青涩的华年。 从少年人的心性到历尽沧桑,其间可能与年龄有关,但不只与年龄有关,就像一条大河,她的波光流转,她的岁月悠长,可能与
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    山海经之地质人生 当时天下言 纷扰漫世间 倘国不举力 倘人不存坚 不惟后世之渴望 徒消半世之英惭 古人有成书山海经,大抵讲些奇怪志异,山海妙谈。 我却也有我的山海经,我的山海经,便书写在科大。 高中的时候学校里有一座李四光的塑像,我总是亲切的称他为四哥,记得那时候每天晚上下了晚自习,在校园外溜过一圈之后我总喜欢走到四哥的面前同他说会话,所以当我高考填志愿时,当爸爸曾问我想修什么专业,想报哪所学校的时候,我对他
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    山海经之地质人生 当时天下言 纷扰漫世间 倘国不举力 倘人不存坚 不惟后世之渴望 徒消半世之英残 古人有成书山海经,大抵讲些奇怪志异,山海妙谈。 我却也有我的山海经,我的山海经,便书写在科大。 高考填志愿的时候,爸爸曾问我想修什么专业,想报哪所学校? 我对他说,我要去一所有山有海有地质的大学,那么这应该就是命中注定今日我会站在这里向大家展述我的山海经了。 我观地质有三重境界 第一重是看山是山,看水是水 这大抵是每
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    草绿house 2016-01
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    草绿house 11-30
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    To totally and completely express myself Jeet Kune Do is not a style,or an organized institution that one can be a member of,because of styles,people are separated,they are not united together,Because styles became law,Jeet Kune Do is the way of intercepting fist,it is how can I most efficiently,directly end a moment of combat.You either understand that or you don't,and that is that. I do not believe in styles any more,I mean,I do not believe in that there's such thing as like Chinese way of fighting or the Japanese way of fighting or what ever way of fighting.Because if you don't have styles,
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    草绿house 2015-10
    第一阶段,家长熟悉期,第一次到第五次课 1.建立学生档案:学生姓名,性别,年龄,学校,年级,家长姓名,联系方式,接送人,联系人,性格,爱好等等 2.打电话沟通:开课前打,温馨的问候并了解孩子与家长的基本情况,告知家长孩子上课需要准备的东西,上课时间及地点并降低家长的期望值,并通过沟通填写学生档案,划分家长的客户类型。 3.迎接家长:提前十五分钟,穿着自己最靓丽正式的衣服,面带微笑,热情迎接家长同小朋友 4.收拾并
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    草绿house 12-19
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    第一重,看山是山,看水是水 第二重,看山不是山,看水不是水 第三重,看山还是山,看水还是水 应该还有,那么不一样,又那么一样
    草绿house 12-19
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    草绿house 12-19
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    草绿house 12-19
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    草绿house 2014-10
    草绿house 12-19
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    却忆安石风流,东山岁晚,泪落哀筝曲。儿辈功名都付与,长日惟消棋局。 破青萍,排翠藻,立苍苔。窥鱼笑汝痴计,不解举吾杯。 轻舟短棹西湖好
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    The differences between Chinese and American food culture Food,how wonderful a name,it has a magic to all the people who love to eat,such as me,a little fat boy,who really love to eat so much.Everytime no matter what happened,no matter what problem I have to face,just eat food,I have power to face and battle with them,because I totally enjoy the feeling of eating food. And now,I want to describe the differences between Chinese and American food culture. Everywhere,if you can see the food,you can see the food culture,they were like peas and carrots. In China,people regard food as an important t
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    A talk to foreigner a—me,b—foreigner a—Hi,guy,are you German? b—Yes,of course,but what make you know I am a German,not American,many Chinese people thought I am a American at first.Why are you so different? a—Yeah,America is a good place to have a trip,many people want to go there and they hope you are one of America,but to me,it's different,because I have every interest to German,and in my eyes,German and American must be two different people. b—Interesting,I never heard that before.I thought we should have a sit and we must have a interesting talk. a—Pleasure. b—Oh,I forget s
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    In my world,many people tell me that you must be a crazy man,and everytime I heard that,I just smile and nothing. Yeah,maybe sometimes,my behaviors area little unique,a little different and even a little crazy,and I know many people couldn't agree with me,but I never mention it.Because I am happy,not for I am unique and a little different from others,that's not my reason,the only thing could make me be happy was that I just love what I do,I mean,I just do what makes me feel happy,no others. And now,I think I am crazy enough ,at least,at this time,and I want to change something,I want to find a
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    Can you imagine such a team,more than one hundred people,different grades just gethered together,in the morning everyday,just practise English in front of the stage of the storts ground,It must be a miracle and I just at here,at this team,the Day break. Every morning,before the sun up,we up,dressing,washing and running.Every day,we just pass the beautiful lake,the hospital and the restaurant and in the running,you can see the beauty and silence of our university,it must make you be happy . In the end I just catch the destination in the sport ground,too many people was in there,of course,differ
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    Many boys love sports,especially balls,so do I. But I am a little different,I could play basketball and soccer,but I couldn't play them very well,and I don't love them so much,but one ball I could play well,that ball,it has a magic name,its name is Volleyball. Volleyball,a special sport,especially for me,I have learned it for two years in my junior high school,and my teacher was so interesting,I love him so much,so do the Volleyball. Every time I touch the Volleyball,I just feel happy,I feel excited,I just feel I could do all the things I want to do,and no others could stop me.I just love the
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    You are scared of to change anything.My friend said that to me. Yeah,maybe he is right,I am scared of to change anything,especially in the deepest place of my heart,I refuse to accepting new things,I refuse to accepting the new world. If you asked me why I don't like to change things maybe when I stay in the familiar place,I just feel comfortable and I feel I could stay better in the old place,but if something change a lot,sometimes I don't feel I could deal with it well,so I refuse all the new things,so I refuse to have a big change in my life. But no change means no improve,no body could ref
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    How to train your dragon. If you want me to describe one of my favourite movies,the first one I thought is not about this one,but if you want me to describe a movie which is really unique to you,it's this one,how to train your dragon. I know you want to ask me why? No others,only for three things,risk,brave and little beautiful. First one,risk,no body could refuse risk,especially for me,I love to risk,I love the feeling after you do a risk thing,it's so wonderful,and it makes my life be colorful. Second one,brave,to a boy,who is really want to be a man ,but his father don't think he is brave e
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    English,a real different language for me,the first time I began to learn this language ,I was only a twelve-year-old boy,I use my teachers' way to learn it for about seven years,but I still couldn't learn it well until I found another way to practice it. I remember it clearly,about one year ago,after having dinner with my partners and a foreigner,I found my English need to be better,one of my partners could speak English very well,but I couldn't.At that night,I found a crowd of people,who use another way to practice English,a really crazy one,I really love this way to practice English everyday
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    当我登上那古老的城墙,当我抚摸着腐朽的柱梁,当我兴奋的倚栏远望,总会有一丝酸涩冲上喉头,总听到有一个声音大声的说:记得吗?你的祖先名叫炎黄。 有人跟我说,曾经有一条大鱼,生活在北冥那个地方,它化作一只巨鸟,在天地之间翱翔。巨鸟有如垂天之云般的翅膀,虽九万里亦可扶摇直上。圣贤赋予我们可以囊括天宇的胸襟,为我们塑造一个博大恢弘的殿堂。 那时候,有个怪异的青年名叫嵇康,他临刑前,弹奏了一曲绝响,那宽袍博带
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    草绿house 2014-03
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    我的良人 有一天 为了那个对的人 褪去了身上的戾气 藏在心底的涟漪 变得柔软 你可曾见过我最柔软的心灵所在,波影边,倒垂的柳枝,凝于最下边欲滴的一片,就这么赶上看见,含在嘴边,亲吻了一线,突然间一切便都抑制不见了,眼泪就这么掉了下边,两片,可你好像从没见过我这般,似乎从一开始我给你的便是刚强的感观,可以这么活一百年,我却从不敢暴露自己柔弱的那一面,从来都是包裹在里边 今天,在偶然,因为恣意,褪去了半边,却
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