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IP属地:北京1楼2012-10-05 13:07回复
    #卢森堡# #王室# #婚礼# 确认出席婚礼的王室贵宾:(挪威)哈拉尔五世国王、索尼娅王后、哈康王储、梅特王妃、 玛塔路易斯公主和丈夫 阿利·贝恩(瑞典)瑞典王储维多利亚公主和西约特兰公爵丹尼尔亲王(荷兰)尼德兰女王贝娅特丽克丝,奥兰治亲王(荷兰王储头衔)和马克西玛王妃(日本)德仁太子。欢迎关注我们的官方微博,带来更多资讯:http://weibo.com/britishmonarchy

    IP属地:北京2楼2012-10-05 13:08

      IP属地:上海15楼2012-10-06 20:36

        IP属地:四川16楼2012-10-12 01:49


          IP属地:四川17楼2012-10-12 02:25

            IP属地:上海18楼2012-10-15 13:37


              20楼2012-10-17 18:42


                21楼2012-10-17 18:43
                  There has been a lot of talk about the cost of your wedding, is that something that concerns you?
                  Guillaume: "I understand that this issue arouses some debate. But we forget that this is a royal wedding that will attract important personalities from around the world. Ulitmately, this is all beneficial for Luxembourg's image."
                  The fact that Stephanie has been granted Luxembourg nationality so quickly has caused some controversy. Do you understand why people might have reservations?
                  Guillaume: "Certainly. Many foreigners have to wait a long time until they obtain citizenship. It is a complicated process, but it hasn't been easy for Stephanie either. In the past few months, she has had to take many intensive language and cultural courses. Only now can she speak quite fluently and with ease."
                  "We should also remember that from the day of marriage, Stephanie will take the title of Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, so it's very important to me that she is a national from the start."
                  Stephanie: "I understand that there is some debate about this issue. But it saddens me that there are people who feel I have received preferential treatment. I think my case is special and, as such, required special measures. For me, being granted Luxembourg nationality has been like a gift ,but it is related to the role I'll play in my marriage."
                  Are you going to hold dual nationality?
                  Stephanie: "No. First I would like to stress that I am excited and deeply honored to have obtained Luxembourg citizenship. It is a gift that I humbly accept. As the Hereditary Grand Duchess I am proud to share my husband's nationality. Belgium will always be the country of my childhood and where my roots are, but I don't think keeping Belgian citizenship is consistent with the job that awaits me from now on."
                  How do you envision your lives as a married couple after the wedding?
                  Stephanie: "I plan to lead a normal family life – shopping, cooking, etc. As for work, I will focus one hundred percent on being a good representative for the Luxembourg State."
                  Guillaume: "Right now I am immersed in my work with economic missions abroad, which is a job I love. From now on, Stephanie will accompany me on those trips. The first state visit is expected to be in late November when we visit China. Stephanie also wants to devote time to social issues."
                  What social issues concern you?
                  Stephanie: "One thing I would like to address is the issue of loneliness. Many people, not only the elderly, suffer."

                  23楼2012-10-17 18:45