luoboyihao吧 关注:56贴子:879



IP属地:北京1楼2013-06-16 17:09回复

    In the beginning...
    The mist begin to melt away as the sun rose over the lush green canopy of trees.

    A faint whistle could be heard as a single bird swooped down from a branch,calling to the other birds beneath him.With that one whistle,all the other birds in the jungle began to respond.Pretty soon,the entire Brazilian rain forest was full of the sounds of birds singing.Even a couple of little eggs cracks popped out to dance!
    “Hey!” a mother bird shouted as a big group of colorful parrots and toucans and cockatiels flew by.But none of them slowed down-the rain forest was hopping with samba-style music and all the birds were excited to start the new day.
    All except one.
    Little baby Blu sat alone in his nest,frozen with fear.He was a very young bird-only just hatched-and he didn’t yet know how to fly!He desperately wanted to join the others in their song and dance,but he was too afraid.The nest seemed to be very high up and just looking down made him dizzy.

    But then he watched the beautiful birds of all varieties having such a fun time,and something surprising happened.He noticed he was bobbing his head a little to the rhythm.Pretty soon,he was tapping his talons,getting into the groove!
    All of a sudden,Blu got scared again-it seemed like his whole nest was vibrating!But when he turned around,he realized what was causing all the vibrations:his own butt!He was shaking his tail feathers to the music!
    Just then a mother and her new chicks soared past his nest and Blu felt a surge of inspiration-now was the time!
    He took one timid step toward the edge of his nest.Then another.And then...just as Blu was about to take the plunge out of his nest and into the beautiful dancing canopy of birds and leaves below,he heard an ugly,rumbling,roaring noise.The birds stopped singing all at once and as Blu watched,he saw something he’d never seen before.Something hulking and square and...
    It was a truck.One of many trucks and jeeps full of poachers-men who steal wild birds!All the birds darted this way and that in a panic.The men tossed nets through the air as birds of all shapes and sizes squawked with fear.
    Blu turned his head in either direction,watching as birds who one minute ago had been singing at the top of their lungs were now caught in the nets.It was a horrible sight.He heard a loud sound and got startled.As he jumped out of the way,he hit the edge of his nest...and slipped!
    Down,down,down Blu was falling!He tried to open his wings and flap them but it was no use-he hadn’t learned how to flt yet.Instead,he plopped all the way to the ground,landing in a large pole of leaves.Just as he looked up at his towering nest,a cage dropped down around him.
    He had been caught.
    The poachers packed Blu’s cage into a shipping crate.Then they slammed a door on a cargo plane,which took off down the runway with little Blu inside.
    Meanwhile,in a sleepy town in Minnesota called Moose Lake Village,a little girl named Linda was wishing and hoping for the perfect present.Moose Lake Village was cold and quiet and flat.There were no lush green trees or brightly colored birds here.There was snow-and lots of it.Snow blanketed the beautiful countryside as the eye could see.
    In the morning,as the town was just waking up,a truck containing Blu’s cage rumbled along.All of a sudden, as the truck lurched over some snow, one of the locks on the back door shook loose,and out fell the crate-with Blu still inside.The truck turned a corner and was gone,leaving Blu’s crate all alone in the street.
    Blu chirped and chirped for help, until finally a shadow passed over him.The shadow belong to Linda.She was smiling as her up.Little Blu was nervous at first,but then he smiled a little,too.He knew he’d be safe and happy with this girl.

    And for many years, he was...

    IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传2楼2013-06-16 18:23








      IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传3楼2013-06-16 19:47




        IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传5楼2013-06-17 20:25


          布鲁尽力去理解图利奥的话——或者说鸟语。完全听不懂他在说什么!“呃,这家伙简直是疯了!“布鲁自言自语道,”琳达,帮个忙行不?“ 布鲁说的是“鸟语”, 当然, 这在人类听起来就像鸡叫声。所以琳达误认为布鲁在和图利奥沟通。“你看到了吗?“琳达喊道,“你真的能和布鲁谈话!”

          IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传7楼2013-06-21 20:29

            Blu and Linda drove through the bustling city, past beautiful sandy beaches, toward the Conservation Center in Rio de Janeiro.They were excited by all the colors they saw and the music they heard, but Linda still made sure she had sunscreen on her nose and Blu had some on his beak. A canary and a cardinal flew past and tried to talk to Blu, but they realized quickly from Blu’s accent that he was new there-he was a tourist.“That’s funny!”said the canary, whose name was Nico. “You sure don’t look like a tourist! But bird,behind bars-that’s no way to see Rio! It’s the most exciting city in the world!”The other bird,Pedro,said”Man,you got to get out so you can feel it in your feathers.Stand back, we’re gonna pop open your cage!”“No really,”said Blu.”I’m fine.”“Okay.Suit yourself,”said Nico.“Welcome to Rio.Ciao,”said Pedro.“Bem vindo,”said Nico as he and Pedro flew off.Blu watched them go. ”Yes,yes,bem... And to you as well.”

            Meanwhile, Linda and Tulio sat in the front seat of the jeep, watching the people of Rio dancing by in wild costumes.“Why are they dressed like that?”Linda asked. ”What’s going on?”Tulio replied, “You’re arrived in time for Carnavale!”“Carnavale? What’s that?” Linda asked.“It’s the biggest party in the world! A time to cut loose!” Tulio said. Just then a woman in a very skimpy costume danced by.“Oh my gosh!”Linda said, feeling a bit embarrassed.But Tulio just smiled and said, “Oh ... That lady is just my uh,my dentist!” Tulio said as the woman danced by.The woman looked over her shoulder at Tulio and shouted,”Don’t forget to floss!”as she shook her butt and danced away.Tulio laughed when he saw Linda’s face.”If you think that’s something, by tomorrow, the party will take over the whole city!”
            The jeep finally pulled into the driveway at the Conservation Center.“So,” Tulio said, helping them out of the car. ”This is the heart and soul of out aviary-where we keep the birds.” He led Linda through a large room inside the Conservation Center. ”It is our treatment room.”As he spoke, one of the birds flew over to him.“They must really like you,”Linda said.Just then a bunch of birds shot past her head and landed all over Tulio. He laughed-it was clear that he loved the birds as much as the birds loved him.He fed them straight from his mouth!“Many of these birds were rescued from smugglers,”he said to Linda.“Smugglers?”she asked.“Yes. Smugglers steal wild birds and try to sell them.The poor birds are often hurt or even killed in the process. Just look at this poor scared guy here,” Tulio said, reaching out to a large white bird-a cockatoo-who looked very sick and very afraid. ”Hey,buddy!”Tulio whispered at the bird. ”You’re looking great today!Much better.Much better.”Tulio stroked the bird’s feathers and Linda smiled at the bird.
            “So where’s Jewel?”Linda asked.Jewel was the name of the female bird they were planning to introduce to Blu.She was the only other bird of his kind.“Oh, we have a special place for Jewel,”Tulio explained.”She is very...spirited!”Tulio walked over to one of the men who worked at the Conservation Center.The man turned, groaning in pain-because huge chunks of his hair were ripped out.And he had scratches on his face.Jewel had attacked the worker! ”Spirited,”the man muttered,rubbing one of his cuts.”I’ll say.”“Jewel did that?” Blu squawked, getting nervous all over again.”Okay,I’m gonna go home now.”But Tulio leaned in toward Blu and spoke to him in a calm voice. ”Blu,”he said,”are you ready to meet your new girlfriend?”Blu huddled in the back of his cage.No,he certainly did not want to meet her!“Don’t worry,”Tulio continued.”I’ll make you irresistible.She’ll love you”
            Tulio spent a long time grooming Blu so that his feathers puffed out beautifully.Then Blu stood in the aviary,waiting to meet Jewel.The room came alive with a flowing stream and wonderful fake sunlight.But as usual, Blu was a bit say the least.And then a gorgeous,exotic bird flew into the room.That was Jewel!Blu thought Jewel was beautiful.The most beautiful bird he had ever seen!“She’s like an angel!”Blu said aloud. ”An angel who is getting really close-aaaaagh!”Jewel had swooped down close to Blu and pinned him to the floor with her sharp talons.

            IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传8楼2013-06-25 16:51
              Jewel cocked her head and looked Blu in the eye.”Where did you come from?”she asked.”What are you doing here?”Blu tried to answer her,but she was squishing his neck!”Tddlh sttng nn mmmmch,”he muttered.“What?”asked Jewel.Blu whispered as loud as he could,”You’re standing...on my...throat!”Jewel moved away.”Oh,sorry,”she said.Blu got up and tried to act normal.”You know,I need my throat for talking.So,thanks,”he said.“Um,who are you?”asked Jewel.“My name is Blu.You know,like the cheese?With mold on it.That smells really bad.”Ugh,Blu thought,stupid!That sounded so stupid!“All right,”said Jewel,”come on.We don’t have much time.”She grabbed him by the wing and pulled him toward a tree.Blu hit his head on a branch.“W-w-w-wait!”said Blu.”Ow!”“Are you ready?”asked Jewel.“For what?”Blu was getting more and more nervous.Then it him.She wanted to kiss... ”Oh,”he stuttered.”Um, well, wow. Okay, Ummm...sure . Why not ? No problem.Let’s ah ...let’s do this!”“All right!”said Jewel.
              Blu took a deep breath.He closed his eyes tight and tried to prepare himself to kiss Jewel.“Ew!”“What?”Blu opened his eyes.Jewel pushed Blu away.“But!”said Blu,”I thought you wanted me to...but you know,just for...wait.What are you trying to do?”“I’m trying to escape,of course,”said Jewel.Oh!Thought Blu.She doesn’t want to kiss.She wants to escape.Blu was relieved.“Yeah,uh,escape!That was where I was going with that.That thing I just did...”“Wwwwwait,”shouted Jewel.”Did you actually think we were going to kiss?Even though we just met?!”“No!”Blu stammered.”No,no,no!It’s not...I just...that’s not what I meant!I mean,I know how my feathers look, but I’m not that kind of bird.”
              Linda and Tulio,Who were watching the two birds’meeting from the observation room,looked at each other in concern.This was not working the way they had planned!Blu was too awkward and Jewel didn’t seem interested in him at all.This was supposed to be a bird romance, not a bird fight!Tulio shrugged and said,”I think they need a little help.”Then he turned on some soft music.”This should set the mood!”But Jewel glared at Blu when she heard the music start playing.
              “What?”said Blu.”I had nothing to do with the music choice!But um,you have to’s actually a pretty good song.”Then Blu started to sing along with the music.But Blu’s awful singing just made Jewel more upset.She decided to take matters into her own talons and flew quickly at Blu.As she landed on him,hard,the branch he was standing on cracked and began to fall.Jewel landed on top of Blu on the ground.Blu and Jewel were miserable and annoyed.But to Tulio and Linda,who were watching from afar,it looked like the two birds were hugging!
              Linda clapped her hands and raised her eyebrows. ”Wow!”she said.”That was fast!”Tulio smiled.”Lionel Richie song.Works every time.We should probably give these two lovebirds some privacy now.”They headed out of the observation room.But Linda was still worried.”I’m not so sure I should leave Blu here alone.”“Oh no,no,no,”Tulio said smiling, ”don’t worry. Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.”Sylvio was a very large,very serious security guard.He could stab a fly with a pencil-that’s how fast Sylvio was.“And besides,”Tulio continued as they walked past Sylvio,”Blu’s got Jewel to keep him company!”Little did Linda and Tulio know that by then Jewel and Blu were strangling each other.
              Okay,look!”Blu said,choking.”We got off to a-bad start-but if you let me live-maybe you’ll-get to like me...”Jewel laughed at him. ”Ha!Not if you were the last Spix’s Macaw on earth!”Blu rubbed his throat and stared at her. ”Don’t you know?”he muttered,still trying to catch his breath.”I am the last Spix’s Macaw on earth.”Jewel started at Blu in shock.He stared right back at her and said,”That’s why I’ meet you.We’re the only ones left.”

              IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传9楼2013-06-25 16:54

                布鲁和琳达开车穿过熙熙攘攘的城市,沿途可以望见美丽的沙滩,他们向保护中心进发。他们为此感到兴奋,他们见到了光怪陆离的景色,听到了各式各样音乐,不过琳达还是把防晒工作放在首位,她在布鲁的喙上也涂了一些防晒霜。一只金丝雀和一只红色冠红蜡嘴鹀飞来,试图跟布鲁打个招呼,但他们很快从布鲁蹩脚的口音中意识到他是个游客。“真有意思!“名叫尼科的金丝雀说,。“你看起来一点也不像游客!不过鸟兄,在笼子里可无法真实地领略这令人兴奋的城市!“另一只鸟佩德罗说:“老兄,你只有钻出鸟笼才能用羽毛来感受它。往后站,我们会帮你打开笼子!”“不用了,真的,”布鲁说,“我很好。”“好吧,适合自己的才是最好的,”尼克说。“欢迎来里约,你好哇!“佩德罗说。“Bem vindo!(欢迎)”尼科说,他和佩德罗飞走了,布鲁望着他们的背影,“是的,是的,Bem……呃……你们也一路顺风!”
                图利奥花了很长时间给布鲁梳理羽毛,然后把布鲁推进珠儿的房间,让他等待和珠儿见面。这个房间充满了潺潺的流水和绚烂的假日阳光。但布鲁还是极度紧张,至少可以这么说。突然,一只华丽的、惊艳的鸟飞进房间——那是珠儿!布鲁觉得珠儿才是世界上最美的鸟儿!“她就像一个天使!“布鲁大声喊出来。“一个天使,离我越来越近了……啊啊啊! !“珠儿急速俯冲下来,把布鲁撞翻了压倒在地板上,锋利的爪子扼住布鲁的喉咙。

                IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传10楼2013-06-26 20:51
                  布鲁深吸了一口气。他闭上眼睛,准备去吻珠儿。”呃呃!”“什么?“布鲁睁开眼睛。珠儿把布鲁重重地推开。”但是……”布鲁不安地说,“你不是想让我……你知道的,你不是……等等,你想做什么?”“我当然是想逃跑了“珠儿说。布鲁这才意识到她不是想亲他,她是想逃跑。布鲁放缓语气:“是的,呃……逃跑,我也正打算这么做。我刚才只是想……”“等等,“珠儿气急败环地喊道,“你真的以为我们要亲吻么?即使才刚刚见面? !”“不!“布鲁结结巴巴地否认,“不,不,不!这不是……我只是…那不是我的意思!我是说,虽然我的确很漂亮,但我绝不是你想的那种鸟。”

                  IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传11楼2013-06-26 20:53

                    琳达笑了,就在这时,一个手提大刀的服务员冲过来,琳达尖叫起来!服务员举起大刀,向着一大块的牛肉劈过去,切下几块肉给琳达。”Picanha(巴西烤肉) !”这个服务员说,把肉递给她。玲达的另一边,又一个服务员拿着奇怪的托盘,大喊一声,“Linguica(某种小吃的前半部分音节)!”然后他点燃了盘子里的东西,大声喊道,“Flambada(某种小吃的后半部分音节) !“食物上的火焰冒出浓烟,烟灰把琳达的眼镜熏黑了。

                    IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传14楼2013-07-01 18:28
                      琳达坐在保护中心外面的台阶上,有警察在附近徘徊,有个警察在问保安希尔维奥问题,但到目前为止,他们没有得到任何有用的信息。琳达把脸埋在手心痛哭,“哦,布鲁……”她抽泣道,“这都是我的错……“她哭得更厉害了。图利奥站在她的背后,不知道该怎么安慰她。他也很难过,他把他的手臂搭在琳达的肩膀上,试图让她冷静一些。“不,琳达,不要这么说”他说,“这不是你的错。”琳达眼泪汪汪地看着图利奥说:“你说得对,这不是我的错……”突然,琳达生气了。这肯定不是她的错,因为来这里并不是她的想法,不是吗?琳达站起身来,转向图利奥,她说:“这全是你的错!都怪你的鸟语,什么’拯救物种‘ !“琳达开始取笑图利奥说鸟语的滑稽样子,模仿他那古怪的声音。“嗯,你知道我对那些鸟语作何评价么?那完全就是‘呱呱呱’!“琳达捂住了自己的嘴,她意识到自己有些冲动了。

                      IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传15楼2013-07-01 18:30

                        Blu and Jewel had been captured. Someone had put a cover on their cage, so they had no idea where they were!Jewel was able to tear a hole in the covering, and she poked her beak out.Jewel looked around while Blu paced nervously inside the cage.“There’s no place like home,there’s no place like home,” said Blu. ”Oh,I wish I was back in my own cage with my mirror, and my swing,and my little bell.Oh how I miss my little bell....”
                        “Shhh!”said Jewel,flopping quickly onto her back. ”Lie down like me and play dead,”she whispered.“What?I don’t need to play dead.I’m about to have a heart attack anyway!”“Just do it!”said Jewel.“Fine.”Blu sighed, but instead of copying Jewel, he started staggering around.Then he pretended to choke and gag and hold his chest-really pretending to die.Jewel did not think this was funny at all.She stuck out her claw and grabbed Blu, pulling him down to the floor of the cage. ”Stop twitching!”she whispered. ”Stay quiet!”
                        As the birds were playing dead inside their cage, things were happening outside it.Someone picked up the cage from the back of a truck and opened a door into a big,old warehouse.The person holding the cage was Fernando, the young boy who had snuck into the aviary in the first place. Inside the warehouse sat a whole gang of bird smugglers.The gang was led by Marcel,a very scary-looking man.Marcel’s two friends,Tipa and Armando, stood behind him.Tipa and Armando were not very smart. Armando shouted at Fernando.”Come on in,kid.Let’s see what ya got.” Fernando stepped into the warehouse,still holding the cage.
                        Marcel smiled a nasty smile. ”Well,what do you know?”he said. “Good work, Fernando!You see, boys...what did I tell you about this kid?” Tipa cleared his throat. ”You told us that you were going to pay him half as much as you said... .”“No,you idiot!”said Marcel. “I said that he reminds me of myself when I was that age.Smart.Resourceful.”He handed a bunch of bills to Fernando. ”Here ya go,kid.” Fernando’s face lit up when he saw the money, and his tummy grumbled a little-this money would buy his dinner.But then he counted them.”Hey!”he said to Marcel.”This is only half of what you promised me!”
                        “Ah, shut up,kid,” Marcel said, distracted.He was staring eagerly at the cage.Slowly,he lifted off the cover,only to see...Two dead birds! Well, not really dead,but Blu and Jewel sure looked dead. Marcel was not pleased. ”What the ...! I thought I told you I needed these birds alive!Tell me, Fernando,does this look alive to you?Huh?”Marcel reached into the cage and pulled out Jewel’s limp body.Just then, Jewel snapped awake and bit Marcel’s hand with her beak. “Owwww!”said Marcel, letting go of Jewel, who flew madly toward a nearby window near the ceiling of the warehouse.
                        “Get her!”Marcel shouted at Tipa and Armando. Blu peeked open his eyes as Tipa and Armando lumbered around the warehouse,trying to catch Jewel. “Jewel!”cried Blu. “Come here!”shouted Marcel, lunging after her. Just as Jewel was about to fly to freedom,Nigel came out of nowhere and flew straight into her! He locked Jewel in his talons and held her against a pillar near the roof so she couldn’t escape. One of the evil bird’s white feathers floated to the floor as he spoke.”Hello,pretty bird,”he said to Jewel. ”What’s the matter? Cockatoo got your throat?” Jewel tried to fight the white bird off, but she wasn’s strong enough. Marcel shouted to the white bird, “Nigel, alive.” “Hmph,” Nigel responded,swooping down with Jewel still in his claws,and then pushing her back into the cage.

                        IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传16楼2013-07-09 23:07
                          Blu was shocked.”That was your plan?To just take off and leave me?Wow thanks so much.” “Well,” Jewel replied, clearly frustrated, “why didn’t you follow me?” Before Blu could think of a clever explanation to hide the real truth,Marcel started talking to Nigel. “Nice work, Nigel,” he said, petting the white bird. “Yeah,” said Tipa.”Nice work,Nigel.” Marcel smiled to himself. “The last two blue Spix’s Macaws on earth.These are worth a fortune!”Then Marcel put a chain on Blu’s and Jewel’s ankle. “These birds are sp much more valuable as a set!”he said. Then he turned to Fernando. ”Hey, Fernando, hang these up in the other room.” He handed the cage with the chained-up Blu and Jewel inside to Fernando, who scuttled through a door into the other part of the warehouse.
                          When Fernando brought the cage through the door, Blu and Jewel noticed there were a lot more stolen birds there. In fact there were lots and lots of cages, all full of different wild birds that had been captured. All of the birds looked miserable, hungry and depressed. “let me out.Let me out.Let me out.Let me out,” repeated one bird, over and over again. “Pretty bird. Pretty bird. I’m a pretty bird. I’m a pretty bird.” That was another one, who seemed more crazy than sad. There was even a bat in the room! The bat kept saying, “I was framed! They got the wrong guy!”
                          Fernando walked farther into the room and found a spot for Blu and Jewel’s cage.”Sorry, guys,” he said to Blu and jewel. “Nothing personal.” For a minute, Fernando stared at the cage, feeling a little bit bad for Blu and Jewel and all the other trapped birds. But he had a job to do. He worked for Marcel, after all, and this is what Marcel paid him to do-capture birds. So he put down the cage and walked out of the room.
                          Fernando went back to Marcel and asked,”So...what’s gonna happen to them?Those new birds?” Marcel grinned wickedly. ”Oh, don’t you worry,” he said. “We’re going to find good homes for them.” Marcel started pushing Fernando toward the exit. “New go on home to your mama.” “But I don’t have a mama,”said Fernando. “A father?”asked Marcel. Fernando shook his head no. But he was trying to think more about the delicious food he would be able to buy now that he gad money.Ge was so hungry! “Brother?”asked Armando. Fernando shook his head again. “Houseplant?”asked Tipa. Fernando once again shook his head, feeling a little sad about the fact that he really had no one-he was all alone in the world.
                          “Aw,” said Tipa, feeling sorry for Fernando,”Can wo keep him,boss?” Marcel just looked at the foolish, weepy-eyed Tipa, and shouted”No!” Then he shoved poor Fernando out the door. Fernando took the money he made and left to get dinner.He went up to a rooftop to eat, but as he tried to get comfortable, he felt a tickle. He found a blue feather stuck in his shirt.Looking at the feather and thinking about what ge’d done, Fernando suddenly wasn’t hungry at all anymore.

                          IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传17楼2013-07-09 23:10

                            Back at the warehouse, Marcel was on the phone.”Of course I have both macaws. Yes, you were very clear. Tomorrow or the deal’s off.”
                            Armando was now watching television in the other room.“Come on!” Armando called to Tipa.”The game is starting! Come on!”Tipa came in and plopped down on the couch just as Marcel got ready to leave for the day. Marcel turned to them both and said,”All right, you two.Load the truck tonight. First thing in the morning, we bring the birds to the airport.Got it?”Armando and Tipa, who were both staring at the TV watching a soccer game, nodded and muttered, “Uh, yeah sure, sure,yeah. Uh-huh.”“Oh, and one of you feed Nigel,”Marcel said. Upon hearing his name, Nigel fluttered his feathers and snapped at Tipa and Armando. They looked at each other nervously-they did not like Nigel. He was even meane than Marcel. They both had lots of bandages on their fingers because of all the times Nigel had bitten them.
                            As soon as Marcel left the office, Tipa and Armando turned to each other and played Rock,Paper,Scissors, to see who would have to feed Nigel.At the same time, they both shook their fists and said”Rock,paper,scissors,shoot!”Tipa did “rock”while Armando did “scissors.”Tipa won.“Yes!”said Armando suddenly.“Wait,” Tipa whined.”I thought I won!”But Armando pretended that scissors is what beats rock.“Well, I should picked scissors!” Tipa said, as he began to unwrap a chicken leg. Then he held it out toward Nigel. That was Nigel’s dinner. ”Nice birdie!”said Tipa.”Here ya go”All of a sudden, Nigel swooped down at Tipa,trying to get the chicken. Tipa screamed in fear and tried to cover his face with his hands as Nigel flew toward him and grabbed the chicken leg in his talons. Then Nigel flew up to the rafters to enjoy his feast. Tipa and Armando stared up at Nigel as he tore into the chicken meat.“Ew,”Tipa said, shaking his head. “Nigel’s a total cannibal.”But then they heard cheering from the TV and realized they were missing a really good part of the soccer game. Right away, Tipa and Armando went back to the couch to get comfortable and watch TV.
                            Meanwhile, in the other part of the warehouse, Blu and Jewel were looking around at all the sad, exotic birds trapped inside. This was not good.“Okay,” said Blu, “pull it together. The key is not to panic.”“I’m not panicking,”said Jewel.“I wasn’t talking to you,”said Blu. “I was talking to me. It’s gonna be okay. Linda will find us.”Jewel huffed, clearly annoyed with Blu. “Oh, great, and then she’ll stick us behind another set of bars, right?Look,’pet,’ cages might work for you but I don’t want to belong to anyone.”
                            Just then Nigel flew into the room, his white feathers fluttering smoothly, carrying a chicken bone. He dragged the bone across all of the other birds’cages, making a rattling sound against the bars.“Something seems to be lodged in my beak,” said Nigel with a scary grin. He stopped in front of a cage full of tiny birds. They were babies and they were very afraid.”Would you mind helping me out?”Nigel said to the tiny birds, opening his beak wide at them.There was a tiny piece of food at the back of Nigel’s beak and one of the baby birds was brave enough to try to help him, while the others huddled in fear. As the braver baby bird leaned in to reach for the food-SNAP!Nigel closed his beak and the bird fell over backwards.Nigel laughed at the baby birds. He liked making them afraid of him.
                            Then Nigel noticed Blu and Jewel. He remembered that they were the newest birds in the warehouse. Blu was watching all of this, and when Nigel turned his head toward Blu, Blu jumped back in shock.“Oh I know I’m not a pretty birdie like you,” said Nigel.”But I used to be quite a looker.”Nigel stepped to the side and pointed at a movie poster. On the poster was a bird that looked just like Nigel. It was Nigel, back when he was a younger, more handsome bird. Nigel used to be in movies!“See?” said Nigel. “That’s the funny thing about beauty. It’s nearly impossible to make something ugly beautiful. But you can take a beautiful thing and make it ugly just like that.” With a lightning-fast move, Nigel jumped in Jewel’s face, showing one of his razor-sharp claws.“Hey!”said Blu.”Leave her alone!”“Sweet nightmares,” said Nigel, and then he fluttered off.
                            “Not cool,man. Scary, but not cool,”Blu said before turning to Jewel, “Are you okay?”Jewel nodded. Then she took hold of two bars of their cage, and started to sway back and forth. The cage slowly started to rock with her.Blu instantly got nervous.”Whoa!!! Whoa, whoa,wait,wait,wait.What are you doing?”he squeaked.“Getting us out of here,” said Jewel.“No,no,no.Wait!All the survival guides say to sit and wait and help will come.”Jewel just stared at Blu. He was clearly in denial. “No one is coming!We’re on our own!”she hissed.

                            IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传18楼2013-07-11 15:17

                              Back inside the office, Tipa and Armando were still watching the soccer game on TV, and Nigel was perched in the rafters, watching them.“Yes, yes, yes!” Tipa and Armando both cried, getting excited about the game. It was at a really good part. Tipa and Armando were so into the match that they didn’t even hear the crashing sounds coming from the next room-but Nigel did.Nigel swooped down and turned off the TV. Someone had to alert these idiots to the fact that the birds in the warehouse were trying to escape!Nigel stole the remote control and flew away.“Nooooooo!” shouted Tipa and Armando. “Nigel, what are you doing? Get back here, bird!”
                              Just then, in the other part of the warehouse, Jewel rocked their cage so hard that it hit the wall with a loud BANG!“Stop!” Blu said. “Why are you rocking the cage when you could just open the door?”And with that, Blu reached his wing around and flicked open the latch, sliding the cage door open.Jewel stare at Blu in amazement.“How did you...”“It’s easy. Just a standard Phillips slide bolt. Just rotate the latch and pull back on the...”“Come on!”Jewel shouted at Blu. “There’s no time. Let’s fly!”
                              Jewel tried to fly, but Blu was still dragging on the chain attached to her ankle. He clung to the bars with his beak.“What are you doing?”cried Jewel.“Well, I can’t fl...” mumbled Blu, with the bar of the cage still in his beak.Jewel pulled on the chain again and tried to fly. “Can’t what?!” she screamed at Blu.Just as Tipa, Armando, and Nigel came into the room, Blu finally let go of the cage with his beak as Jewel yanked on the chain.The cage shot out of Blu’s grip and hit Nigel in the head. As they started to fall, Blu finished his sentence:”Can’t flyyyyyy!”
                              Both Blu and Jewel soared through the window together, into the outside world, and then they both screamed as they went plummeting down, down, down.As they fell, screaming, Blu and Jewel caught onto a clothesline,, and zipped along it until they hit the wall and crashed down to another clothesline.Jewel scowled at Blu. “I hate you.”
                              They fell off that clothesline and then through a series of clotheslines before hitting the ground outside the warehouse with a hard thump.“You couldn’t have told me this before now?” Jewel snapped at Blu.“Okay, fine!”said Blu. “Yes, I can’t fly.I pick my beak, and once in a while, I pee in the birdbath. Are you happy?”
                              Blu suddenly realized they were not alone-there were crowds of people bustling about, all around them in the street.“Ahhh!” said Blu, feeling overwhelmed by all of the commotion.“Hey, snap out of it,” said Jewel. “Look, they’re after us!” Jewel pointed with her wing, and Blu saw that Tipa and Armando had come out of the warehouse. They were looking for him and Jewel.“We gotta get out of here,” Jewel commanded, quickly pulling Blu along with her. But it was really hard to walk when their ankles were tied together with a chain.

                              IP属地:北京通过百度相册上传19楼2013-07-13 23:36