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最终流放 银翼之法姆 设定集 aerial log artb


最终流放 银翼之法姆 设定集 aerial log artbook 小说friends 部分。这个设定集现在非常的难找,我买遍了淘宝的资源包都没找到。这里面有小说 friends,解释了迪奥sama怎么被救了以及克劳斯的腿怎么拐了。我后来在外网找到,是英文版的。万一哪位迪奥sama粉丝死活想知道可以这里看,我等下先概述下迪奥sama的部分的主要内容,然后把英文版原贴发上来。下图为设定集封面

IP属地:广东来自手机贴吧1楼2019-10-26 10:19回复

    Coccinella一直想刺杀索菲亚公主为原黛芬妮女王复仇,但一次刺杀中身中数弹死亡,零死前给迪奥下了指令:杀死所有人。于是迪奥一路杀,最后杀到索菲亚公主面前,在他举刀千钧一发之时女孩 Ros突然出现(Ros似乎被Coccinella控制了,但有一点自我意识,她不愿看到Dio变成杀手。)帮公主挡了刀并殒命,迪奥误以为自己亲手杀了鲁修拉,受到刺激。

    (很高兴可怜的迪奥sama终于迎来了新生活,他的朋友们依然敞开心怀接纳他,爱护他,在天有灵的鲁修拉一定会为迪奥的结局欣慰的吧,但想想还是有点sad T-T )

    IP属地:广东2楼2019-10-26 13:22
      "As you should be aware, Miss Sophia has been busy in Weskia, where there appear to be remnants of the Guild in that airspace."
      "But it's Claus who's coming back!"
      Mad-Thane, already having retired from the war, dismissed the opinion of his friend and former chief of staff with a single word.
      Moving from side to side through the white clouds, visibility in the front was clear. Through the large window of the heavy cargo ship, the large body of the Exile that had just arrived could be seen.
      "To hell with the spirit of chivalry!"
      ... that girl, I wonder how she is doing now?
      Just as Mad-Thane smiled along with that thought, it happened.
      "In the sky, seven star-shaped units!"
      The three military vanships that had been escorting the heavy cargo ship discarded their external tanks.
      "Into the clouds!"
      The cockpit of the cargo ship was wrapped up in tension as the aircraft tilted to the left. Mad-Thane could see the form of the escort machines as they zoomed past the window. The dark green aircrafts were piloted by courageous pilots.
      "It's Mad-Thane's heavy cargo!"
      The word of that shocking scene out there spread among those on board the Exile, which had had a peaceful voyage so far.
      Busy in the hangar with landing preparations, Claus rushed to his aircraft. Prepared for him by Tatiana Wisla was the prototype of the next main fighter for Anatoray's military force. Compared to the current aircrafts, this new one was more slim around, faster, and all around exceeding in performance to its predecessors. Reflected in its unpainted silver was Claus' appearance of impatient irritation.
      "There's not enough time."
      Claus took off without waiting for a navi. He flew from the large hangar and into a tunnel, one so long and winding that one couldn't see the light of the exit on the other end.
      On the morning of Claus' departure, in a small hangar adjacent to the cottage, the sound of a thick steel plate echoed.
      "Wake up, sleepyhead!"
      Clinging to the blanket, Claus lie next to their aircraft, after having finished some maintenance on it to prepare to leave.
      "Claus, you'll miss the Exile!"
      Al shook him under the blanket.
      While Claus slept until the very last minute, Lavie had been awake, finishing preparations for his trip that morning.
      "Lavie ... thank you."
      "There are leftovers from last night. You should eat some before it spoils."
      Claus thought about how much he loved Lavie making that excuse.
      "I want to go look for Dio."
      Lavie and Alvis agreed with him right off the bat. Tatiana prepared a prototype vanship from the military, and Alister introduced a friend of hers to Claus, who was also a navi.
      I'll absolutely find Dio, and return.
      Claus thought, wanting to answer the thoughts of his friends.
      "A white vanship?!"
      As its presence was made known, its pilot was flying around into the blue sky.
      Experienced veterans who survived in the war with Disith had been chosen to escort Mad-Thane. And those three escort aircrafts did not allow one shot to Mad-Thane aircraft, at first. Four starfish were downed by them despite the numerical inferiority, due to blocking and dodging the their shots skillfully.
      ... Until the shining white vanship appeared.
      "Wow~!" "The sky isn't visible."
      Dunya's little brother and little sister stared, wide-eyed. They were standing under the Exile, which covered the entire sky, and were gathered waiting to see Claus off on his journey.
      "Sorry, Claus, though we wish we could come with you ... there's important things we have to take care of here. Gah!"
      Mullin was elbowed in the side by both Lavie and his bride, Dunya, Dunya blushing as she did so. Claus didn't quite understand what he meant by that.
      "When you arrive, you'll be able to speak to us with this."
      Alvis had put a small, important communication pendant, given to her by Lucciola, around Claus' neck.
      "Can you please give this to father?" asked Holly Mad-Thane, and just like she had given him when they first met, she held out a cylindrical tube with a shy look.
      "Ten stars?"
      Lavie laughed next to her.
      Holly's tube bounced around on the floor beneath the navi seat.
      The glass frame of the windshield shook and vibrated dangerously as the vibrant, pure white vanship quickly downed two of Anatoray's machines.
      "Quickly, I have to get there quickly."
      Claus felt a rush of urgency. And although he pulled full on the throttle, his speed was not gaining.
      Lavie, Lavie, why aren't you here?
      If she were there, she would have been able to help and abolsutely keep up with him.
      "This is the end."
      With a thumb moving to the joystick, the boy pulled the trigger gently. An array of gunfire was shot a the approaching unit, hitting it in a weak spot that was protruding out of its side. The duralumin airframe tore, the claudia engine that was set within the metal tubing of the framework began to fall apart. Shards of iron flew and liquid Claudia began to splatter out of the engine like blood, as the boy dodged it gracefully.
      The final escort aircraft was downed. Mad-Thane had lost all of his shields.
      Waspishly speeding to its main target, the Guild machine drove a bullet into the heavy cargo.
      "Holly, my love, is the wheat growing well?"
      In the wheat fields that spread toward the horizon, the young people were smiling. Holly stood with them, smiling from ear to ear.
      With sharp, wind-like noises, a starfish shot its needle gun, piercing Mad-Thane's heart and collar bone.
      "To the young people who will carry our future, I wish you luck..."
      Keeping that hope until his very last moment of life, David Mad-Thane's slowly lost consciousness.
      The aircraft hit the sandy ground and slid down a sloping hill, skidding to an eventual halt after a few hundred meters.
      Shoes stepped across the sand quickly. Thin beams of light shone through the countless bulletholes and cracks as Claus advanced toward the downed heavy cargo ship. Mad-Thane's face still held the the ghost of his last smile.
      Placing Holly's request tube into his hands, Claus then disappeared.

      IP属地:广东5楼2019-10-26 13:31
        In the jagged mountains of the Dragon's Fangs, several types of starfish were moving beneath the clouds around the fifteenth tusk if one counted along on the surface. Beneath the cleft of the rock beneath the clouds stood a enormous, crimson cross-shaped structure. Maintaining buoyancy, countless anchors and chains held a Guild ship within the Dragon's Fangs. These "white terrorists" were the cause of the disruptions of the migration preparations of Anatoray-Disith.
        I am always at Lord Dio's side.
        In a bridge made out of glass, there was a single, leather-upholstered sofa where a lone figure sat. Delicate fingertips stroked the hair of a beautiful boy who was resting with his head on her lap. The girl had long been at a loss for words, so to express her feelings for the boy, used the movements of her hands and fingers.
        The boy opened his eyes and looked up at the {girl}.
        Words about to be spoken were lost in her throat.
        "Lucciola, it's okay. I understand what you're thinking without words."
        The boy resting on her lap moved his hand up to {Lucciola's} neck. Light flooded in through the clouds, wrapping the two delicate forms in warmth.

        "Mad-Thane was there instead of me..."
        Sophia stood apologetically next to Mad-Thane's coffin, which was surrounded by olive flowers.
        "My husband fulfilled his mission until the very end."
        Dressed for mourning, the figure of the young widow smiled as hard as she could through her grief.
        "And Claus?"
        "Nothing yet ... but we are looking to pursue every avenue to find him."
        "... I see."
        Sophia excused herself from her escort, Vincent, and ascended the heavy cargo airstair.
        The airflow from the cargo increased, gently rustling the beautifully landscaped gardens below, making the waters in the fountain dancing around in the sunlight. The Mad-Thane butler, Worsley, bowed his head deeply towards Sophia's royal aircraft that was just taking off.
        Five months since Claus disappeared, the Exile came back to the mother planet full of people. The news of Mad-Thane's death was brought with them, and not only was his daughter Holly devastated, but Lavie and Alvis as well.
        "It's not Claus' fault that my letter didn't make it to him. I'll be okay, so please go look for Claus."
        In the ward clinic completely filled with returnees, Holly spoke as she kept her hands moving. Having just lost her beloved father, she was trying to keep moving to put up with the grief.
        Claus probably felt Holly's sorrow as if it were his own. So, unable to forgive himself, he disappeared.
        "I cannot forget the fact that the letter you entrusted to him couldn't be read to your father"
        Lavie spread out the sheets she just washed.
        "So, that's it! I'm going. Not only for Claus, but I'll absolutely come back together with Dio, too."
        Wrapped in the fresh scent of the newly cleaned sheets, Lavie decided to return to Prester.

        IP属地:广东6楼2019-10-26 13:32
          The Exile could be seen arriving through the low-hanging clouds.
          It's been eight months since Claus disappeared, I feel ashamed to face those children like that.
          Princess Sophia's expression was dim.
          "Miss Sophia!"
          Lavie and Al came out to greet the princess with a hug.
          "I'm here too, you know!"
          Vincent raised his arms up for a hug as well.
          "Uncle Coffee, too?"
          "Uncle coff ... eh? I'm still young, in my twenties!"
          "No way?" a wide-eyed Lavie and Alvis asked him.
          "Do you think I'd be able to do this if I were in my thirties?"
          Pulling the younger girl up onto his shoulders easily, the 29-year-and-11-month old Vincent Alzey ran toward the pier. Though puzzled, Al smiled over his shoulder. Lavie and Sophia followed them slowly.
          "Anything about Claus?"
          "I'm sorry ... not yet."
          Sophia shook her head apologetically.
          "I see ... hmm, Miss Sophia, I have a request"
          "Anything, if there's something I can do."
          "That pendant Al got from Lucciola."
          "The communication equipment they used in the Guild?"
          "Yeah, Claus left with it."
          "Understood, I'll arrange things immediately."
          This is good, we might be able to get in touch with Claus with this.
          Lavie smiled, looking slightly relieved.
          "They are the ones who made Lucciola that way." Coccinella's whisper echoed in Dio's mind.
          They... they did that to...
          "You must kill them, kill them, kill them, for Lucciola."
          Yes, I'll kill them, for my Lucciola.
          The white frame fired at the escaping vanship. The duralumin alloy body split off, pieces of iron scattered to the wind.
          A stray screw flew into the windshield. A crack formed in the glass, and with the impact Dio regained his sanity.
          "Where am I? What did I just do?"
          The vanship broke apart before his eyes.
          "Are we going to die?" the navi's eyes appeared to question.
          We've been on Prester for a week.
          They split up and looked for Claus until the very last moment before sunset. But, they found absolutely no clues.
          The moonlight shone through the clouds. Standing on the terrace of Sophia's quarters, Lavie called out Claus' name.
          "Claus, answer me, Claus! Where are you? Hey, Claus!"
          Her throat was getting sore. The outline of the moon was blurry through tears. Holding the pendant to the night sky, Lavie kept calling Claus' name.
          "... Lavie."
          At that moment Alvis, noticing something strange, took the pendant from Lavie.
          "It's you, Alvis."
          A familiar voice came from the pendant.
          "--o! It's been a few days."
          Alvis didn't speak, her breath taken away as the voice was really coming from outside the terrace.
          Huh? What was that? What floor did it come from?
          White shoes tiptoed and leapt along the railing of the stone structure. With a carefree smile, the boy who moved as magnificently as a prima embraced both Lavie and Alvis.
          "What kind of place is the 'blue star'?"
          Dio asked while curiously touching the luxurious furnishings of the vast drawing room about two hundred square meters big.
          "Hey, hey, that stuff is expensive!"
          'Please stop, if anything breaks, I would not be able to repay it even if I worked hard for the rest of my life', Lavie's eyes seemed to say watching him nervously.
          "There's a large lake full of fresh water, people call it 'the Grand Lake' and it's very sacred to them."
          To make up for Lavie's worry, Alvis answered him.
          "Hm, the Grand Lake, huh."
          Dio's eyes landed on his next target.
          "Immelmann tuuuuuurn!"
          Dio jumped onto the plush bed that his eyes landed on.
          Alvis, who was sitting on the bed, reacted with a start.
          "Immelmann is missing?"
          Dio shielded a hand over his eyes to block the light shining through the skylights.
          "You don't know anything about it?"
          "No, I didn't see him."
          Dio and Lavie sat on the bed, Alvis sandwiched between the two of them.
          "Dio ... where's Lucciola?"
          Alvis asked, unaware that Lucciola had died back then.
          "Back then, Lucciola helped us ... I haven't gotten to say thank you yet."
          "Lucci ... ola?"
          Dio muttered, pupils shrinking as his eyes flickered.
          "Or maybe, have you heard anything about him? Claus, I mean..."
          Lavie's voice didn't reach Dio.
          "Lu... cci ... o ... la."
          To Lavie, he seemed like a broken music box. His feeble breath sounded like the last dissolving notes of a metallic-sounding musical scale.
          It hurts ... my head ... it feels like it's going to explode...
          "I ... I have to go ... to look for Immelmann..."
          Dio coiled his arms around himself, trembling.
          "Ki ... ll..." The curses echoed in his head, never disappearing, commanding.
          No ... I don't want to ... I don't--
          "... Kill."
          "I ... wasn't ... supposed to ... come here."
          The anxious looking figures of Lavie and Alvis began to blur and fade away in Dio's gaze.
          "I don't want to!"
          He ran out of the room. Before the repeating words of the curses completely took over his consciousness, Dio disappeared into the darkness.
          The hut had been built on top of a crossbar that passed over the waterway still had a hole in the ceiling. The bed was still broken from the starfish attack. There were square marks on the wall where pictures had once been. The smell of the kitchen, of the ham, bread and mayonnaise that Lavie would always make was almost ingrained in the house itself.
          His most important times were spent in this house with Lavie.
          The sound of the water flowing gently below could be heard.
          By the light of the lamp in the hangar, the silver vanship was resting its wings.
          Where the navi seat should have been, there was a vapor pressure lever and a claudia pressure adjustment lever that he could control from the pilot's seat. Claus had finished removing all of the bulletproof plates to even out the additional weight from two steam mounted machine guns he had gotten from a crashed unit.
          Even if I'm alone, I'll fight with that white vanship.
          That white vanship piloted by a Principal.
          I might die. As if to cancel out his worries, Claus turned off the lamp and wrapped himself tighter in his blanket.
          Slender fingers moved, as is to ask that question.
          "Yeah, you've also met him, haven't you Lucciola? Immelmann."
          Smiling broadly, he used his hand as a vanship, mimicking a halfroll off of a somersault.
          "I've never seen such a beautiful turn!"
          The boy's palm changed direction to turn 180 degrees before leveling off from the back.
          Did something happen to Immelmann?
          "I'm going. Yeah. I'm going to find Immelmann!"
          Getting up and bouncing from the sofa, Dio bolted for the bridge.
          That smile is really ... so bright.
          Smiling as he took off, a voice could be heard nearby.
          "So is the Principal a friend today? Or a murderer?"
          Leaning over the back of the sofa, Coccinella smiled.
          Huh? How long was he behind there?
          "He'll listen to anything you request of him, Ros of Aspis."
          "You really do look just like Lucciola."
          "Yes, very similar."
          The face of the girl named Ros was stiff.
          Sitting by the window, Apis looked up from a book.
          They're scary, scary, always appearing like this without any warning.
          The girl's thin fingers trembled with fear.
          "Everything we have done so far, it was only for Queen Delphine. Like true young brothers."
          "Scary, scary, scary..."
          Apis' trembling fingers turned the page.
          "Yet sometimes, she could be gentle."
          Coccinella put a trembling hand around Apis' shoulder to hug him from behind. Apis placed his hands over that arm.
          "This time we'll avenge our Delphine."
          "Yeah, let's return the favor to the woman who killed our precious {older sister}."
          "Princess Sophia."

          IP属地:广东7楼2019-10-26 13:33
            It's been one year and six months since the final battle with Delphine. The Exile had traveled three times between Prester and the mother planet. In this way the newly settled people little by little had sent information on the climate and the environment they had found, on other nations already returned to the mother planet, even on some nations who, left behind on the panet during the age of calamity, have survived and tenaciously endured until now.
            "Admittedly, the information brings a mix of 'relief' and 'anxiety' at the same time."
            In this way summarized the widespread feelings Nestor Messina, one of Sophia's most trusted aides, the man who had once been the commander of the Disith's invasion forces in the war against Anatoray, but who later had the courage put aside his feelings of hostility for the sake of his country and allied with Anatoray to fight against the Guild.
            "The fourth voyage is approaching fast, we must wipe away this feeling of 'anxiety' now, before this dangerous infection spreads like a 'rumor'."
            So spoke Grail Danmark, the cool-headed, pragmatic man who had been promoted to aide following the death of Mad-Thane.
            I let duke Mad-Thane die, and caused so much sorrow
            ... she did not wish for the people to harbor such negative feelings.
            "I shall speak to the people. Since they are going to return to the mother planet, I shall not hide either the positive or the negative news."
            Sophia said while staring outside of the castle.
            "The letter ... I was glad to be able to deliver it."
            Alvis sat in the pilot seat.
            "Holly's feelings were conveyed."
            Lavie smiled as she checked the liquid claudia gauge pressure.
            They took some time to get the hang of it, but eventually Al and Lavie could fly as if they had flown together for years as pilot and navi.
            On the way to Norkia, they stopped by the Mad-Thane mansion in Minagith, and Holly's mother embraced them in tears.
            "Lavie, I see Norkia!"
            Beyond the sea of clouds, the nostalgic Norkia came into view. They wondered if they'd find Claus there ... in the small house surrounded by waterways and stone buildings.
            "Let's hurry, Al!"
            The girl pulled the throttle lever.
            In a hilly, grassy area on the outskirts of Norkia, a stage was set up. Wires extended from all sides of the stage to large screens, having been removed from Guild ships.
            "Tomorrow morning, the many people gathered here will cover the green of the land."
            Nestor narrowed his eyes.
            "What about the guards? The stage is surrounded by slopes, there will be no place to hide if there is an emergency."
            Grail asked without even turning toward Vincent.
            "You need not worry. I, Vincent Alzey would protect the princess, even at the cost of my own life."
            He bowed his head to the two of them, and walked away.
            "......I won't let her die."
            Vincent muttered while gazing at the stage.
            They found pieces of meat dishes and dried up pie, as well as traces of a vanship being worked on.
            The bulletproof plate was removed ... What did you install?
            Lavie looked worried.
            "Claus, you were here," Alvis said, and hugged a blanket.
            With an audible clack, the pendant fell out of the blanket.
            The hope they held slightly weakened.

            IP属地:广东8楼2019-10-26 13:36
              Trying to get a close look at the princess, people gathered all though the night to fill the slopes surrounding the stage. Burning here and there, the light of the lamps created a suggestive scene before the daybreak. Those who were late lumped before the screens that had been placed at regular distance around that area, and the waves of people kept coming to this venue packing themselves to the point that no empty space could be seen when looking at the surrounding hills.
              "Don't worry, Claus will surely come."
              Sophia tried to encourage Lavie and Al before she stepped up to the stage.
              "Listen everybody, we have very good news. The reports from our settlement say that the wheat brought from Anatoray to the new world sprouted safely and grew abundantly."
              People's expressions softened at the princess' first words. Sophia was going to kindly speak about the new world and the bright future awaiting those people.
              Vincent, right there, was keeping a wary eye on the crowd.
              "True, many people still reside there who, excluded from the Exile plan, left behind on the planet during the environmental upheaval, resisted and and survived for all this time.
              Princess Sophia spoke earnestly.
              Beneath a grimy cloak, Coccinella stared with narrowed eyes.
              "Fake princess."
              "At the start of our return, it is likely that our claims will cause clashes. But we will eventually come to understand each other as we are all human beings. I firmly believe so."
              Sophia then began speaking about the beautiful water that filled the Grand Lake, as well as all of the countries surrounding it.
              "Now, let's begin."
              Apis took off his hood. With a signal, assassins who were standing in the crowds cast off their cloaks and began running.
              Vincent's sharp senses picked up the sudden, murderously-intent movement.
              "One, two-- six figures."
              Like white winds, they aimed for the stage from all sides. And with a simple glance from Vincent, the escort guards began moving.
              The guards stepped up to engage the enemies without hesitation, but the assassins knew that the soldiers could not use their guns among the crowd. The young assasin boys started killing the guards without slowing down their pace. People who were listening to the princess' speech barely even had time to notice the soliders starting to die a hair's breadth away.
              Hearing Alvis' completely anxious voice, Lavie was now on the alert.
              This child has been watching Miss Sophia so far, now she is looking at her back and is frightened. What is that? This wind.
              The moment Lavie grabbed Alvis' hand, white shadows jumped onto the stage, like thieves bursting in.
              Vincent jumped in-between to protect her with his his body. He pulled out his gun and repelled the enemy's blade with the gun's barrel. Attack and defense repeated over and over, lighting up the stage with sparks. Eventually Vincent, although having dodged the tip of Apis's sword actually aiming at his neck, was hit in the shoulder.
              Fresh blood gushed, as that silouette stood in front of him.
              "Indeed you are strong ... not like those soldiers"
              "You monster, they were my friends."
              As Apis smiled, Vincent slowly pulled the trigger. The bullet fired at zero distance pierced through Apis' body.
              "Don't get in my way! I will avenge my {sister}!"
              A large, empty space formed amid the crowd. Coccinella looked at Sophia on the stage but was shot down by countless bullets.
              If only I could strech my arms enough, I would lay my hands on that imposter. I would strangle her with all my strength. Even if that woman cries out in pain, and suffers, suffers, cries and begs for her life, I would not forgive her. But, there's still our fellow...
              "Delphine ... sister..."
              Coccinella fell to his knees. The grass around him began to stain with fresh blood.
              "Ki ... ll ... for ... Lucci... o ... la..."
              Coccinella managed to choke out those final curse words before he stopped moving.
              "Ki ... ll..."
              The boy recieved the final words of Coccinella.
              "Yeah, for ... Lucciola..."
              The robes that he wore contracted around his body. There was no emotion in the face of the boy, as his once serene eyes turned glassed over and clouded.
              No ... you don't have to kill... these... people.
              The fingers of the girl extended toward the sky.
              A small light that was held in the palm of Dio's hand grew and extended, changing its form and turning into a knife.
              As the terrorists had all been eliminated, relief spread amongst the soldiers.
              Slowly, as if he was simply taking a walk, the boy approached.
              "A song...?"
              A young soldier listened to his voice as the boy stepped lightly toward him. With a flash of blue light, the soldier's head went flying. The soldiers tried to restrain their fear to confront the boy in order to protect the princess.
              Was that really a slaughter happening in front of her eyes? Flashes of blue and white danced within water droplets dyed red.
              Alvis' voice trembled with fear.
              "Don't look!"
              Lavie covered her eyes.

              The clouds began to become slightly visible as the sky began to grow light. On the stage stood the princess and the boy. At their feet, the knight who could not protect her had fallen.
              "Princess ... Sophia..."
              His eyes pleaded her to try and run away. But Sophia resolutely faced the boy.
              I absolutely will not run away. Not from a crisis right in front of me.
              "...For Lucciola."
              The hand holding the knife went up slowly. Just as that sparkling blue light from earlier appeared and came down on Sophia, a small white shadow slipped between the two. Fresh blood gushed, and the delicate body of the girl collapsed.
              "Lucci ... o ... la?"
              "I'm ... so ... rry..." The girl squeezed out a voice from the back of her throat.
              Her blood silently spread across the stage, the girl's skin began to pale into a beautiful crystalline white. Even Sophia could not hide her surprise at the recognition of that familiar face.
              "Di ... o ..."
              The girl's lifeless hand fell to the floor.
              Trembling fingertips stretched out, as his heart pounded faster, eyes opened wide.
              "I killed him. I killed Lucciola!"
              In his lost state, Dio began clutching so harshly at his chest that his nails tore at his skin. He thrust the knife into the floor of the stage. Over, and over, and over... The debris fragments that scattered from doing so flew and cut at Dio's body. Lavie couldn't take her eyes away from the scene.
              "A vanship?!"
              Alvis stared at the sky. As the silver aircraft glittered, the shooting of a steam-type-machine-gun echoed. The machine-gun shells hit just between Dio and the girl. The bullets cut through the floor, and debris scattered all around the stage.
              Dio found the {enemy}.

              IP属地:广东9楼2019-10-26 13:39
                Dio will definitely come after me.
                Claus' aircraft left the venue and began to head through the Calgray forest, toward the empty town of Norkia.
                "...I found you."
                Dio narrowed his eyes as the silver vanship moved forward through the narrow valley.
                "I won't let you get away."
                He pulled the throttle. The hum of the liquid claudia could be heard as he accelerated, as the white aircraft pushed forward in chase.
                "He's coming."
                With visual confirmation of a pursuing aircraft, Claus raised his speed, inviting Dio to keep dogging him. The two vanships swept through the valley in the city.
                Dio's unit fired off machine gun bullets that hit and shattered some roof tile on a house. Claus dodged by rolling the aircraft to the side. He descended until the very last moment to break out of the alleyway at breakneck speed. The aircraft grazed the stone pavement below, sparks flying.
                There's a t-junciton ahead. It's a dangerous area that a lot of pilots get frustrated by in a vanship race.
                "4 ... 3 ... 2 ...1 ..."
                Claus' machine began veering to the left without compromising the vanship's speed, as Dio gave chase effortlessly.
                "He's still remarkable, after all." Claus smiled.
                "There!" Alvis cried.
                Claus' machine looped into the reservoirs below, Dio's still chasing behind him.
                At that sight Lavie understood immediately that they were about to enter the underground waterway.
                The sound of machine gun fire echoed in the underground water canal. Water splashed up, blocking visibility. As Dio's shooting accuracy increased, Claus' machine continued to bear the scars of it.
                "I am with you, everyone."
                Sophia spoke gently as the venue began to regain its composure.
                "The Grand Lake will nurture all of our lives with its abundant waters."
                Even though he was layed out on a stretcher, Vincent continued to keep watch around him.
                The two vanships exited the waterway and began to ascend, unfurling their wings as the dogfight continued. Dio kept shooting without mercy, Claus timing to dodge it at the very last second. The violent clash was reminiscent of the Horizon Cave endurance race. A bullet grazed Claus' machine, the duralumin alloy being torn apart.
                I'm almost out of fuel.
                Though he figure he did pretty well, having made an enemy out of someone like Dio. Would Lavie praise him that he did his best?
                The image of Dio's machine approaching began to fill the back mirror. Claus pulled the throttle, lowering the flap of his ship. He suddenly drew upward, tracing a beautiful turn, the silver aircraft shone beautifully under the morning sun.
                "An Immelmann Turn ... but, you can't get away. You won't escape because I know that move."
                Dio made the same move without effort, moving his ship's nose to directly face Claus' machine.
                "Lucciola, we've won."
                Dio pulled the trigger slowly.
                "Immelmann Turn!"
                "I've never seen such a beautiful turn!"
                "Immelmann is Immelmann."
                The very moment the trigger was pulled, the image of a boy and girl flying a silver vanship flashed into his mind.
                Dio Eraclea's cloudy, glassed over eyes suddenly regained their clarity.
                "Immelmann?!" Dio shouted.
                The silver aircraft was going to dive as the spray of gunfire was approaching.
                "Don't hit it!"
                Pulling his hands away from the stick, Dio stretched himself forward.
                He reached his hand out, fingertips stretching out as if to try and catch the bullets. It looked as though light spilled from his fingertips as it reached toward the silver, shining vanship whose body began to split and scream.
                Steel bullets shot through the steel where the pilot sat, hitting Claus' shoulders, his arms, and straight through his legs. Claudia liquid spewed from Claus' machine. His goggles went flying, and the pilot's expression could be seen.
                Dio had recovered.
                It might have been a plain coincidence that the vanship carrying Claus went crashing down on the slopes where the young boy and girl who desperately tried to survive after the death of their parents learned to fly their vanship. So many times they almost went falling off the side of that cliff, and eventually in the end their silvery aircraft took to the skies.
                The vanship carrying the injured Claus finally stopped at the very edge of that cliff.
                The smoldering white vanship dropped and hit its goal right after it. Dio jumped from his aircraft though it hadn't completely stopped yet and raced across the grass, stumbling once over a stone.
                He climbed up into the battered aircraft to pull the pilot out of the cockpit. His flying suit was mangled, both legs that had been shot drenched in fresh blood. Dio desperately pulled him out.
                "Claus!" Lavie cried out.
                Beneath the cliff, Dio could be seen pulling Claus away from the smoldering vanship. Lavie and Alvis began to run toward them as Dio layed Claus' body down to cover and protect him as the vanship exploded into flames.
                "Throw away your fears, overcome that anxiety of moving to new world. We shall keep building our future together in that new land."
                When she was finished speaking, Princess Sophia closed her eyes.
                "Princess Sophia!" one boy cried out.
                "Princess Sophia!"
                The crowd burst out the chants just as Sophia finished her last word.
                "It's your birthday ... be happy..."
                Despite being near death, Claus weakly worded the song.
                "You're ... born ... you ... live ... and back to ... dust ... you go..."
                Dio held Claus close.
                "Congratulations ... congratulations ... happy birthday..."
                Fresh blood poured from the flight suit.
                "Dea ... r ... Di..."
                Crumpled over, his face wet with tears, Dio called Claus by his name for the first time. On this day, Dio Eraclea turned 18 years old.
                "You can do it!"
                "Just a little bit more, Miss Dunya."
                It's been half a year since then, and in the small house in a wheat field, a new life was about to be born.
                "Is it here yet? Is it?"
                "Kweh, kweh!"
                Mullin and Sleepyhead were waiting outside, uneasy.
                After a moment of silence, they heard the first cry from inside the cabin.
                Running down the steps of the cabin and jumping over the fence, Mullin dashed toward the wheat fields.
                "He was born! He was born!"
                Sleepyhead happily chased after him.
                "I'm a father!"
                Mullin cried out, before tripping and falling face-first into the mud,

                IP属地:广东10楼2019-10-26 13:40
                  "Dio Eraclea, you are hereby released with a special pardon."
                  In the dimly lit corridor, Tatiana spoke through the glass of the cell.
                  "Why? I tried to take the princess' life..."
                  "Because for us, this new world awards everybody with a new life."
                  "Get out."
                  Tatiana spoke as the elevator door opened. The soldiers removed his restraints and Dio, now free, stretched his hands out toward the sky.
                  It's warm ... this is the real sun?
                  He lifted his hand up as his eyes adjusted to the light, and then started to look around.
                  The Silvana? No, it's a different ship.
                  "Look, this is our future." Alister smiled.
                  Golden wheat fields seemed to spread out across the entire surface of the ground. After glancing out at it, Dio turned around. Golden wheat also blanketed the smooth hills behind him, the stalks of ripe wheat swayed in the breeze.
                  "I don't deserve to be here ... I killed so many people, and caused so many others pain." Dio looked down sadly.
                  "Holly said she has forgiven you. As have done the parents and brethen of the soldiers whose lives you took away."
                  The clouds rolled by slowly, the winds carrying the scent of wheat.
                  "You'll be protecting the 'future' of those who live in this world. That's for the many lives that you took away."
                  "... how can I do that?"
                  "A Principal of the Guild who speaks of impossible things?"
                  Alis asked, and Dio laughed mischievously.
                  He stepped firmly over darkened soil. It was soft, almost like a carpet. The wheat that surrounded him was dyed in gold.
                  Alvis' smiling, tearful face could be seen.
                  Lavie laughed and waved at him.
                  "Look, look! Dunya and I had a baby~!"
                  Dunya turned red at Mullin's outburst, elbowing him. The baby looked so tiny, almost breakable. Dio gently touched its cheek.
                  "It's soft ... and warm."
                  The little life grabbed one of Dio's fingers and laughed. Holly smiled. Tatiana and Alis laughed.
                  "The scent of wheat."
                  Dio reached down to pick up some barley, his emotions filled with a mix of love and regret.
                  "This is... the future."
                  Hearing the sound of wheels, Dio looked up. A boy riding a wheelchair approached. He still seemed a bit unaccustomed to turning the wheels to move himself.
                  Dio started running instantly, the golden colors of the wheat reflected by the sunlight seemed to flow behind him.
                  Running, running.
                  Toward Claus, who had been waiting for him.
                  A vanship flew overhead to scatter celebration petals, to celebrate the birth of new life.

                  IP属地:广东11楼2019-10-26 13:43
                    关于迪奥和鲁修拉还有两场小剧场。第一个剧场名为firefly's prayer - overload 。是两个声优的对话,没有表演,内容如下:
                    A drama that takes place during the Last Exile series that focuses on Dio and Lucciola. In March of 2012, a special event called Last Exile Night 2 was held in the Brilla ShortShort theater in Japan, where fans could marathon a special screening of the series. Ayana Yuniko, one of the script writers for Fam, the Silver Wing wrote this drama specially for the event, and guests Noda Junko and Tomoe Hanba (Dio and Lucciola's seiyuu) performed it live. As of now there are no scripts or recordings available, and no plans to officially release the drama. However here is a summary as well as a couple of bonus links for curious parties:
                    Overload is a chess term, meaning A piece that has too many defensive duties. An overloaded piece can sometimes be deflected, or required to abandon one of its defensive duties.
                    The drama takes place during episode 12, where the Silvana and the Urbanus are about to battle in the Dragon's Fangs. Out of the blue, Dio suddenly tries to make a deal to fight with Lucciola, with the reasoning of "friends can fight each other." (it could be assumed that perhaps word going around the ship of Alex and Vincent being friends who are about to do battle influenced Dio's train of thought) Lucciola declines Dio's suggestions with the statement that he's a servant and can't agree to such a thing.
                    This causes Dio to remind Lucciola about why he gave him his name, which turns into a flashback of them as children. Lucciola is the name for the firefly, and Dio explains to him that fireflies glow to do things such as communicate and find mates. Lucciola brings up that he/"insects" don't have hearts, and Dio tells him that it's just Delphine who says things like that. Dio believes that "insects" (which, due to the naming schemes of the servant class, Dio is talking about them when he says it) have hearts and souls just like the him and the others in the Guild, so they're not any different from each other. He wishes to know the true feelings that are in Lucciola's heart.
                    The flashback ends, and Dio asks Lucciola what he's thinking at that moment. Lucciola pauses to think and Dio notices a change in his expression/demeanor as he tries to figure out what to say, but they're interrupted by a ship-wide announcement to head to the hangar for the upcoming battle. With Claus as one of the people heading out, Dio wants to go and see them off, so the two of them head toward the hangar. Lucciola has an inner monologue about his feelings; how his heart starts to pound faster when Dio calls him a friend, and though he is a servant and must be/act as such as a first priority above anything else, that his 'master' has given him so much. And though Dio insists that the two of them will be together always, Lucciola still feels a little envious that they have to hide their friendship due to the fact that Delphine will not tolerate servants having emotions, in comparison to somebody like Claus who Dio can openly call a friend. He wishes someday that they won't have to hide it.
                    The drama ends with the scene from episode 12 with Dio and Lucciola out on the Silvana's deck where Dio leans out and says "Lucciola, look! I can almost touch the clouds!"

                    IP属地:广东12楼2019-10-26 13:46

                      IP属地:广东13楼2019-10-26 13:49
                        BIG DISCLAIMER this "script" is not 100% complete though it covers the main points of everything that happens pretty well! So keep that in mind. o7
                        Also this takes place sometime before the series.
                        The rain, Dio and Lucciola. When all overlap, what drama will be born?
                        Dio is eating a pomegranate.
                        Dio: I've heard pomegranates have the taste of people. Red and beautiful. Like blood.
                        Lucciola: The taste ... of people?
                        Dio: Hey, Lucciola. Can you bring me a pomegranate?
                        Lucciola: Yes.
                        Lucciola washes a(nother) pomegranate.
                        Lucciola: Shall I make it into juice this time?
                        Dio: Yes, it may be good like blood.
                        Lucciola was shocked at Dio's inability to separate it from the flavor of humans.
                        Dio: Lucciola, did you know? More than half of the human body is made of water.
                        Lucciola: I have heard of that.
                        Dio: And these pomegranates are cultivated with First Water. It's strange, don't you think? Maybe the pomegranate has the taste of humans because it's made with the same kind of water that makes up humans. Hey, Lucciola. How do you make First Water?
                        Lucciola: The Guild makes it by using filtration of rainwater.
                        Dio: Then it's not First Water, but Second Water.
                        Lucciola: Please forgive me, but I don't understand what you are saying.
                        Dio: If it's made from rainwater, rainwater would be First Water. --Lucciola, let's go for a drink of First Water!
                        On Dio's whim, the two go out in a Guild vanship on a rainy day. Of course, it's a secret from Delphine. Lucciola is piloting while Dio is in the navigator's seat. With open arms and his face tilted up, Dio drinks the rainwater.
                        Dio: Do you want to try too, Lucciola?
                        Lucciola: It would be dangerous.
                        Dio spots a flock of rainbirds.
                        Dio: Rainbirds. I want to fly, too!
                        Lucciola: ?!
                        Dio suddenly leaps from the vanship. Panicking, Lucciola flies the vanship into a dive to catch Dio.
                        Lucciola: Lord Dio! Calm down! Keep your eyes on me! This way!
                        Lucciola desperately catches Dio.
                        Lucciola: What were you planning on doing if I couldn't have caught you!?
                        Dio: Why would you think that? It's you and I, isn't it?*
                        Dio spoke casually.
                        Dio soon brings up the suggestion of "let's go down to the city."
                        Lucciola: We don't know what is down there. Please reconsider.
                        Dio didn't hear/listen.
                        Lucciola: Understood. I will protect Lord Dio at any cost.
                        The two go down to the town.
                        Dio: It's gray. Even the peoples' skin dulls brownish. Maybe the Guild's people are colored white because they drink first water, and that's why the people on the ground aren't white?
                        Dio comes across some mud that got wet from the rain.
                        Dio: Wow! What's that? It looks like chocolate.
                        Lucciola: Lord Dio, that is mud! (Maestro Delphine hates the mud/dirty things. If she knew that Lord Dio touched such a thing...)
                        Without heeding Lucciola's hesitant tone, Dio drops into the mud.
                        Dio: It's cold, but it feels good.
                        Despite becoming muddy, Dio is still in high spirits.
                        Dio: Lucciola, you come in too!
                        Lucciola also drops into the mud.
                        Dio: I'll be scolded if Delphine finds out.
                        Lucciola: ... yes.
                        Dio: But you know, I want to try feeling everything myself. I want to feel it, and understand.
                        Dio was still happy, despite being covered in mud. Lucciola stares at Dio.
                        Lucciola: (Even soaked by rain and covered in mud, Lord Dio seems to be enjoying himself. Why... But, that's just how Lord Dio is.)
                        Once out of the mud, Dio finds a place where there's water. After washing his hands, he cups his hands together to gather more of the water to drink.
                        Lucciola: Lord Dio! That is dirty water. Please do not drink it.
                        Dio: I already drank some. But, isn't this the water that the people who live on the ground drink? So I can drink it just fine, too.
                        Lucciola: The people who live on the ground are different. You are accustomed to drinking First Water, Lord Dio. It will ruin your stomach.
                        Dio: You drink some too, Lucciola.
                        Dio holds out his hands, after scopping up more water into them.
                        Lucciola: I humbly accept.
                        Lucciola drinks the water directly from Dio's hands.
                        Dio: Well?
                        Lucciola: It is ... most delicious.
                        Dio: Isn't it unexpectedly tasty? Oh! Lucciola, you're smiling!
                        Dio looked delighted.
                        Dio: At least if we end up getting stomachaches, we'll get them together now. Wouldn't it be nice to roll around together?*
                        Dio: From now on, we'll experience all kinds of things together. And you'll be be there, too, Lucciola.
                        Lucciola: Yes. I am Lord Dio's...
                        Dio: What?
                        Lucciola had started to say something, but abrubtly stopped.
                        The words that would have followed did not have to be said.
                        But, Dio didn't notice it.
                        And such is the story of Dio and Lucciola making a memory in the rain.
                        * Translation notes:
                        Why would you think that? It's you and I, isn't it? I think this line might have been intended to emphasize "of course you caught me it's US" referencing his trust in him but idk.
                        At least if we end up getting stomachaches, we'll get them together now. Wouldn't it be nice to roll around together? These are literally the lines and they make no sense unless you look at them as Dio. Which is to say he sees being sick together with Lucciola as a ... fun thing. Ok Dio.

                        IP属地:广东14楼2019-10-26 13:51
                          所有信息来自: https://unguilded.dreamwidth.org/

                          IP属地:广东16楼2019-10-26 17:58

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                              IP属地:广东18楼2019-10-28 11:01