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(请相互尊重,切勿抄袭)可远程控制索尼测试无人驾驶概念车,日本索尼公司(Sony Corporation)与日本知名移动通信运营商NTT DOCOMO宣布,双方将合作测试索尼的无人驾驶概念车-Cart SC-1(New Concept Cart SC-1),该车利用5G移动技术,可实现多种遥控功能。
After examination and approval, the consignee or consignor of goods shall fill in the customs declaration form again according to regulations and go through the formal import or export formalities with the Customs. The serial number of the original temporary entry or exit customs declaration shall be indicated in the column of the customs declaration form associated with the customs declaration. Temporary inbound and outbound goods not within the prescribed period of time will be shipped out or shipped back, and the taxpayer is not before the expiration of the time limit to declare to the customs of the import and export and tax payment formalities, customs shall instruct temporary inbound and outbound goods the consignee or consignor shall, in accordance with the regulations, pay taxes and fees, and accordingly on the original customs declaration to
四:针对国内无销售,又想进口用来进行科研测试怎么办?汽车类产品在国家强制性认证(3C认证)范围内,需要通过我国3C认证方可进口并通过指定4S店销售。因此,当国外新款汽车上市,倘若还没有通过我国3C认证或无中国销售计划,将无法在国内买到,汽车配件生产企业难以D一时间全面测绘研发与其配套的零配件,错过了抢占国际市场的黄金期。根据我国相关规定,为科研、测试所需的产品为目的等8种类型的进口3C产品,可凭检验检疫机构签发的(简称“3C免办Z明)进口通关。3C认证的全称为“强制性产品认证制度”,它是中国政府为保护消费者人身安全和国家、加强产品质量管理、依照法律法规实施的一种产品合格评定制度。所谓3C认证,就是中国强制性产品认证制度,英文名称China Compulsory Certification,英文缩写CCC。
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1楼2020-11-19 17:11回复

    2楼2020-11-20 11:07