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【英语】家人们谁懂呀,a real fight is going on


@用户名被你捷足 Thanks for the support in reply to @苏维埃联盟420
I have no interest to give that lowly guy a further word
I aired my view in a discussion group, where there are a lot of English-speaking people from around the world.
As follows:
I saw the TV news show "Face the Nation" of CBS anchored by the hostess Margaret, in which the Secretary of State was asked why he did not advise Israeli government to stop even temporarily the indiscriminatory attack on Gaza Strip, Mr. Blinken then kept a face of poker or of a dead pan (sorry if there is a mistake, but what I mean he has a very stiff facial expression) and blabla-ed on his hurt consciences seeing the death and injury of so many civilians either of Muslim or Jews.
The hostess has to cut him off three times within less than five minutes, seeing that he is trying to avoid the sensitive topic and guide the attention elsewhere.
In the comment below that video clip, I put the following words: Dear Margaret, please stop talking this human animal, which is most probably a robot engineered by AI.

IP属地:广西1楼2023-11-18 16:18回复

    IP属地:中国台湾2楼2023-11-19 10:15
      what?talking there?are u serious? and why me?
      anyway it's none of my business. why don't you talk elsewhere? don't you see talking there is just as disturbing as your mom's face?

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2023-12-02 19:25
        Another day another internet drama love seeing juicy beef pls keep more cumming

        IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-01-07 15:54