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【翻译】Beauty and the Beast:塔拉索娃自传片断翻译集锦



IP属地:美国1楼2010-06-17 01:39回复
    之所以动念要开这个帖子,主要是因为整理癖发作——塔拉索娃的自传Beauty and the Beast从没出过英文版,但其中不少部分曾被热情冰迷翻译成英文。不过,这些翻译比较零碎,而且还有重复,根据我找到的结果,有些段落的英文版就有两个。

    IP属地:美国2楼2010-06-17 01:47


      IP属地:美国5楼2010-06-17 06:17

        About Grishchuk and Platov.
        One day my phone rang. Evgeny Platov is calling from America, which was a complete surprise for me. He said a traditional phrase: “Tatiana Anatolievna, we are lost. We are in the same group as Ovsannikov and Krilova. Lininchuk is giving them all of her attention and does not see us." I did not like to hear this and asked him why he called me. He said – “We do not have a choice. Our coach tells us that we should quit, but we still want to compete. We have a good original program, but it is incomplete and has some flaws. We missed a lot of competitions and people lost faith in us. We would like to participate in the Olympics. Please take us."
        They were told that it was time for them to become professionals. But they did not want to become professionals, they wanted to compete two more years in the World Championships and they wanted to win a second Olympic Games. There were no dancers until then that had won a second Olympics, even the legendary Pachomova. Twenty minutes later, Grishcuk called and asked me to take them. She told me that she would listen to me, even though she had a bad temper, but she would try. She begged for me to take them so they would be able to continue in sports, since Lininchuk favored another couple.
        A terrible Olympic year began. Grischuk was constantly yelling and screaming. The whole rink was under tremendous tension every day. I can not even explain now how we prepared the program. It was a miracle that I can not understand. A half an hour before her entrance on to the ice, I would take a relaxant pill as I would be able to work with her without trying to tear off her ears or pull her teeth one at a time. Throughout all of her hooliganism and rudeness, she always brought me flowers and left me notes where she told me that she loved me and called me mother.
        She developed a terrible psychosis. She tried out in Hollywood and was told that she needed to change her name. At that time, Oxana wanted to be called Pasha. Evgeny could not understand why she wanted that, but I agreed to go along with the game. The new name came out of the English word “passion," In real life, she was crying, hitting Evgeny, insulting him, was knocking him in his weak knees with her skate and diminishing his dignity. I did not want to go with them to the Olympics.
        When she was begging me to take them in, she told me that they would pay me as it was customary. Feeling bad for them and out of the goodness of my heart, I did not sign any contract with them, which was a terrible mistake and I hate myself for that weakness. I should have signed the contract with her then, when she was standing in front of me on her knees and begging to take them in. At that time, normal coaches would put on the table a contract where she would agree to pay for each day of my work with them and would pay me the balance at the completion of the work. Practice takes away my life. I am only paid for my work and I have no other income. I still keep the check which shows that for all of the Olympic season I received from Oxana/Pasha Grishchuk just a few thousand dollars- for the whole season! For this money I should have just brought her music to the rink.
        Finally we got to the Olympics. They were perfect at the practice, no one had any questions. All of a sudden in the first compulsory dance, she began to be nervous. She fails the turn, the one that she could do with her eyes closed. She was actually very good at turns. And that was in the very first compulsory dance! But Grishchuk and Platov stayed in first place since their competit0rs, Krilova and Ovsannikov, also made a mistake in the turn.
        Before going out on ice, Evgeny kept saying his mantra – I am ready, I am ready, I am ready. I was concerned that he overexcited himself before the start and began praying. I was standing at the edge and saw that he almost stopped breathing, so nervous he was. I thought that I had to take him out of that condition. I had a bottle of mineral water in my hand and I poured water on him 15 minutes before the start. He looked at me in horror and said: “I pressed the shirt all day!" Oxana burst in tears. I told her that he was ready and sent them out on the ice. And from the first bars of music, I knew that they would win. I never cried so much after the performance of my students than I cried then. I was crying because they could do it and I could!

        IP属地:美国6楼2010-06-17 06:21
          根据搜到的资料,老太太自传里关于库里克的部分应该是叫做Love Story,副标题是“背叛”。我一直没有找到链接里那个库里克部分的英文版本,而我找到的版本明显是节选,虽然短得多,但涵盖的事件不一样。估计俄译英的粉丝没有译全章,真是遗憾。
          塔:我不想碰这个话题,她开出的支票我还保留着,那上面的数字太可笑了。我想找机 会还给她,兴许她能把这点钱派上用场。
          塔:不论在花样滑还是在其它领域,学生们在离开老师前往往都不说感谢的话,这几乎成了传统。但我始终尊敬我的导师柴可夫斯卡娅,是她使我有了今天。现在有些人很实际,用得着时是一种态度,不需要时就变了样。我不但不会去批评谁,还会尊重他的选择。 人本该是善良的。

          IP属地:美国8楼2010-06-17 08:44
            About Ilja Kulik.
            We were flying to America. We selected a brand new airline. I do not remember what it was called, but remember that the tickets there were less expensive than on Aeroflot. But as soon as we arrived in New York, the company went bankrupt. We were holding worthless return tickets. That was our economy flight. Together with us on the plane there was another figure skater – Nikolay Morozov, a friend of Ilja who was skating with Tatiana Navka. At some point during the flight, Ilja went to see Nikolay and had a few drinks. When Ilja came back to his seat it was obvious that he could not hold the drinks and needed to have his stomach pumped. I made him drink as much water as he could to cleanse his stomach. It was an unpleasant but necessary session of shock therapy.
            Ilja was getting ready for the World Championship in a normal way, without any twists. The Championship was held in Switzerland. We went there well in advance as to get acclimatized. Ilja jumped very easily and nothing indicated the upcoming disaster. Three days before the “qualification” skate, he was practicing at the main rink. Many interested people – the judges, coaches and participants came to see him practice. Ilja performed a great jump but at the landing his foot twisted and he fell on the ice dropping on his hands with a scream of pain. I expected that he broke his leg. But he was getting up and seeing that I was about to faint, he yelled – it's the skate! Apparently his skate broke upon landing, but he was fine. In the best case scenario the new skate could be delivered the day after next and he will have to spend time to sharpen it. He remembered that he had a spare set of skates in Moscow and we were able to get the new skate the next day. But it need to be sharpened.
            Here an important role was played by another coach, Valentin Nikolaev, a Ukrainian coach who had a sharpening stand. Even though Mr. Nikolaev was the coach of Ilja’s competit0r – Mr. Zagorodnuk, he immediately gave the stand to Ilja. Not every coach would do that in a similar situation. Ilja worked on the stand for hours, sharpened a replacement skate and missed a second day of practice.
            That night, the ice was scheduled for the dance couple of Grischuk and Platov and we asked the organizational committee to allow Ilja to practice on ice simultaneously with the dancers to see how he could stand on the new skate. The time for really feeling the new skate was very short and the next day he skated at the “qualifications” in a state of shock, but even then he managed to jump a quad. Actually he put all of his efforts on the one leg with an old skate, since he was not sure about the feel of the new skate. Psychologically it was a very difficult test. A new skate feels differently from the old one especially for a high class skater. But Ilja holds up and ends up in the third place after Urmanov and Eldredge. Stojko comes in fourth.
            The night of the competition he came out on the ice as usual. I was standing at the edge of the rink and was advising him not to do the quad on the new skate and to skate a clean program. As usual, he drew the first staring number, but he was very anxious to begin his program. I suggested to him to calm down, to stay at the edge with me for a little longer, to drop the tension, that he had two minutes after his name was announced, but the moment his name was called, he rushed on ice even though he did not completely recover form his accident.

            IP属地:美国10楼2010-06-17 09:11

              I did not realize what a nightmare was unfolding around me, what a deceit was being prepared for me. I saw some unusual activity around me, but being preoccupied with his performance, I did not pay attention to it. As I expected, his morning practice took too much of his energy and he missed his opening jump and the rest of the program went downhill from there. He lost too much energy and was completing his program with a lot of mistakes. He needed just a few seconds to recover, but the program was so dense going without pauses and in one rhythm, that he did not have those few seconds.
              But let’s go back to those minutes when I saw in the corridor that our doctor was rushing somewhere, that Mishin (coach of Urmanov) and Piseev (President of Russian Figure Skating Federation) were taking Urmanov somewhere. I understood that something was happening, but I did not want to get involved. I asked someone what was going on, but was told that everything was fine. Urmanov came out on the ice for practice and I could see how he was jumping. After Kulik had his unfortunate performance, Urmanov announced that he was not going to compete. Nobody told us about that. The foreign skaters knew that Urmanov was quitting and changed their programs with the knowledge that the main competit0r was out of the race. The foreigners knew, and we were the only ones who did not know. Only we - the fellow compatriots -- did not know. I consider it such treason that I could never understand it and never forgive it.
              Apparently Piseev knew early in the morning that Urmanov was quitting the competition, and he should have, even must have, told me about it. If Ilja would know that, he would not try to jump the quad and would not make all of the following mistakes. It was obvious to everyone. Everybody knew that he had a broken skate three days before the competition but did not do anything to help him. What does it say about the Russian National Team after that? To hide such a development from a teammate was highly unprofessional and bordered on the behavior of gangsters. They just wanted to punish me, to put me on my knees. It was their attitude toward me that reflected in Ilya losing a year of his life and work. I was so mad that I wanted to hit someone in the National team management. For Ilja, I was ready to kill! Especially after such a baseness.
              Yagudin, the second pupil of Mishin, did not look great as well, but the judges were already rooting for him and he bypassed Ilja and came in third. Eldridg fell, but stayed in second place. Stoiko skated cleanly and won. It is not known what place he would be in if Kulik would have a clean performance. It is not known how that Championship would go if our geriatric management would not have a goal: anyone, but Kulik! Just to punish me for daring to coach singles.

              IP属地:美国11楼2010-06-17 09:11
                About the father, the famous hockey coach.
                Father was always writing something. I do not remember him without a notebook or a huge amount of notes on his desk. Every day beginning at 5 am, he was writing. He never gave me this list of exercises that he was developing all of his life. He thought that I was not worthy of that list since I have not done much in my life. In that list, he had thousands of exercises for different groups of muscles. He was not just a professor, but rather an academician of sport. He would not start his day until he would think of at least 10 new exercises. Every day.
                It was interesting to observe him working on the tactics of hockey. Sine there were no metal boxes where the figures could move on magnets, he would make the figures of the players out of the cardboard with a round base and would work with these figures for hours.
                注:塔提亚娜·塔拉索娃的父亲是俄罗斯著名冰球教练阿纳托利·塔拉索夫(Anatoly Tarasov),他被誉为“俄罗斯冰球之父”。

                IP属地:美国12楼2010-06-17 09:23
                  Tatiana Tarasova
                  "Beauty and the Beast"
                  Alexei Yagudin p.413-436
                  It was the beginning of May 1998, a few months after Nagano. I was in Hanover with my family, recovering after Ilya's departure. Talked with friends, enjoyed life, and slowly started to record first chapters of this book. I have faced rather awkward situation, and there was something to think about. I had come to realize that I was no longer interested in continuing coaching in such hectic schedule. I thought, I'd take some rest, will look around, and start coaching children, maybe. And, don't mind me for being so self-assured, but I had no doubt in demand for me. It is true that there are many coaches out there, but there are very few who can address skater's specific question on how to become an Olympic champion. Nothing less, nothing more. These kinds of specialists are unique: one, two and that's it. We are a scarce product.
                  I knew, sooner or later, somebody would come knocking at my door. I could never complain of lack of work, and I already had an Italian team at the time. Nevertheless, I was planning to take a great summer vacation. I had planned wonderful things: to restore my physical and psychological well-being. First of all, I wanted to loose weight at any cost. It is real only when there is time for one. But one wonderful day, when I was dictating to a recorder either about Pasha's caprices or my work with Torvill & Dean, the pleasurable stream of memories was interrupted by a phone call. It was Lyosha Yagudin. He called from a tour: "Tatyana Anatolievna, take me!" I asked why he is going to leave Alexei Nikolaevich Mishin in such a distasteful manner, right after winning the World Championships. He answered: "I was not going to leave him, on the contrary, I love him and think he is my only teacher, even more, my father. But right now our relationship is broken with Mishin paying much more attention to Plushenko and Urmanov, ignoring me. Help me. You do not have anybody right now. I am not going to disappoint you, I will train a lot, I will try my best." Having my own sad experience in such matters, I asked whether he had solved all the financial issues with his coach and talked with him about the decision. He answered that 

                  IP属地:美国13楼2010-06-18 04:32
                    everything was settled, and Mishin knew Alexei would leave him. I asked how could he tell Mishin that he was leaving before he spoke with me. And he came up with an astonishing answer: "It would not be fair, if I would make a deal with someone first, and then would announce my departure." I have never heard before of sportsmen who gave a thought to what was fair and what was not fair. It always started from a secret deal with new coach. I could not blame the guys because for each and everyone one of them it was a very hard and responsible decision. I have finished our conversation: "Lyosha, I cannot promise you anything, call me in a week." He asked with disappointment in his voice: "In a week?" "Yes, in a week, not earlier", I restated. He was left without Mishin for a whole week, but still without me. Probably, he had some serious doubts given that he was in the foreign country, absolutely alone. I realized what it meant to leave Mishin. Alexei Nikolaevich worked wonderfully with his students, and I personally had a great respect for his work. Although, I had had an incident with him, when Kulik and I were not told that Urmanov would withdraw from competition. Even if this action was taken as tricky tactics, it was still a shame since we were a team representing one country at the world arena. I cannot say that after taking Alexei I have ever felt any obligation in front of Mishin. For example, I would never take Moskvina's students even if she would ask herself. Never. The context would not matter.
                    Two months after the Olympics in Nagano, in the beginning of May, 1998, I was coming to myself in my family circle after the breach with Ilusha [Kulik]. I was living indolently and at that very moment I began dictating the first chapters of this book. I was in difficult situation and had a lot to think of. More and more often the idea of putting the end to such an intense way of working life was coming to my mind. I thought that during the pause that I had I would have time to relax, to look around and after that I would begin to coach children or would devise something else to do. And though I am not a person to put on airs, I was sure I was in demand. There are so many coaches, but only a few of them people can apply having such a specific question as what to do to become the Olympic champion. No more no less than that. Such perts are extremely rare.
                    I knew that a person looking for me would appear sooner or later. I had never been out of job in my life and even at that moment I was coaching an Italian dance couple. Nevertheless I was going to have a great time that summer. My plans were wonderful ones to freshen myself up. The first thing in the plan was losing weight at any price. It could be possible only if I had enough private time, time to spend for myself. Once on a fine day when I was informing the dictophone either about strange Pasha [Grishuk] tricks or about my work with Torvill and Dean, the smooth flow of my reminiscences was interrupted by a telephone call. It was Lyosha 

                    IP属地:美国14楼2010-06-18 04:32
                      Yagudin. He was making a tour then. He cried: “I want you to be my coach!” I asked why was he going to leave Aleksey Nikolayevich Mishin, his coach at that time in such an indecent way. Lyosha answered: “I wasn’t going to leave Aleksey Nikolayevich, I like him, I consider him to be my only teacher, even more, I consider him to be my second father. But now I can say that our relations are almost broken. Aleksey Nikolayevich likes Plushenko and Urmanov and pays little attention to me. Help me, you have nobody to coach now. You won’t have any problems with me, I will be working hard, I will make all possible efforts!” Having my own unpleasant experience, I asked if he had solved the financial problems and talked all the details over with Mishin. He said that all the problems were solved; Aleksey Nikolayevich had been informed of his leaving. I asked how it was possible to do so before applying for my help. Lyosha’s answer amazed me. “It would have been unfair if I would first have arranged everything and then announced my leaving!” I had never heard anybody in such a situation think if it was fair or not. They usually simply begin secret talks with a new coach. I don’t want to blame anybody, to change a coach for every athlete is always a terribly difficult and responsible act. I drew the line, “Call back in a week, I can say nothing now.” He asked me, disappointed, “In a week?” I answered, being certain, “Not earlier then that.” For a week he was left without Mishin already and without me yet. Probably sad thoughts were worrying him as well as me, as he was then absolutely lonely in a strange country. I could understand what it was like to leave Mishin. He is a great coach and personally I can find only respectful words about his work. Although once I had an unpleasant experience, I have already mentioned it, me and Kulik were concealed from the fact that Urmanov would not take part in the competitions. Even if it was a sly tactics, anyway it was a shameful fact because such a maneuver took place between the members of one and the same team, defending the honor of the same country. After all that was mentioned before I can’t say that I felt any obligations to Mishin. I would have never agreed to coach Moskvina’s students, only if she asked to do it herself. I would never have agreed. There is no such a case.

                      IP属地:美国15楼2010-06-18 04:32
                        章节标题:Beauty and the Beast

                        IP属地:美国16楼2010-06-18 04:40
                          谢谢,^^ 如果发现译文有不妥,也请千万指出,毕竟这楼“整理汇总”之外还有尽量提供准确信息的目的,^^
                          不过,最令人抓狂的是,英文译文除了这两个版本,还有几段关于熊被巡演开除的内容是两个版本都没有的,而且横看竖看都觉得按时间线插进去很突兀,orz 看来最准确全面的信息,只能等待有朝一日俄语达人来提供了……

                          IP属地:美国18楼2010-06-20 15:07

                            IP属地:美国19楼2010-06-20 15:33

                              Maybe, a year or two later, Lyosha revealed to me that when Kulik learned of his negotiations with me, he cautioned: "Is this true that you are going to train with her? You will die!"
                              Lyosha happened to be a very friendly and jovial guy. There were ten to fifteen people around Lyosha all the time from the first day. He was very funny and lighthearted. Although, as his level of fatigue increased, fun disappeared, he slept more and more. But when he went out, all skaters were after him, if they were all tied up. It turned out Alexei was not only kind, but also a very generous young guy. He was not arrogant, did not get stuck-up, that is why he had huge popularity among skaters. You could hear his name repeated in many languages: "Lyosh, Lyosha, Alex". You could hear it anywhere; it was like an echo in the mountains. I was able to get hold of him at any time, thanks to this echo.
                              In a week when Yagudin called back I answered yes. He asked at once, “Where do we meet?” All my plans of physical and mental self-perfection fell to pieces. We arranged the first meeting in Moscow.
                              Soon he appeared in my apartment, rested, plump and pretty. I had arranged some things for him to do. I was leaving for Italy; there is the place situated in the mountains of middle height where I was going to work my Italian dance couple Barbara Fusar-Poli and Mauricio Margalio. I had discussed with the Italian Figure Skating Federation the possibility to take Yagudin with me. They promised to provide me with additional skating time to work with Yagudin. The Italians had to rearrange their skating schedule to find the time for us. And they kept their word.
                              In Moscow the choreographer Volodya Ulyanov was waiting for the time to start working with Lyosha. I and Volodya were choosing the music while Lyosha was having a rest. Some music extracts I had prepared before: the dead soul registered by Alfred Shnittke and the version of the Westside story by Bernstein.
                              But the first thing Lyosha asked about after the arrival from his tour was “how long can I sleep now?” he arrived from too far away from America. I allowed him to sleep up to 12 a.m. He went to bed at a little more than 10 p.m. and woke up at 12 p.m. sharp the next day. I understood that he waѕ born a real Herculeѕ by his mother. He got the task to sleep and he slept. It is not easy to fall asleep in the period of acclimatization, some people awake in the middle of the night and cannot make themselves sleep anymore.
                              We met the choreographer and defined what to do next. Then Lyosha and his mother left for Spain. He was already 18 and he was a World champion. Soon after the Olympics he won this title under severe conditions. His rivals made a lot of mistakes in their skating; he also made them but managed to remain the first.
                              Our second meeting took place in the airport, in Italy, where our first training period had to take place. These three weeks were rather productive; also I began it with general physical training. Then I was trying to choreograph a short program, he was advancing little by little. Lyosha seemed an interesting boy to me, but all my friends called and said that I was mad to take this far from being perfect, little and so-so man. And this so-so man also began to show his acting talent. But before he walked hard in Italy, running cross-country races to distraction, he wanted to make me like him. In my heart of hearts I was very careful about overtraining him, because of this mighty treatment. Our relationѕ became closer and closer, I was making inquiries about his family. It turned out that he lived in the apartment with his mother and granny. He graduated from school with honors. Lyosha did not make the impression of a person interested in any science. He seemed to be a man incapable even to pass final exams and to get a school-leaving certificate. Jolly slovenly fellow, that’s it. At the same time he was full of some strength, it could be felt at once. He was a man able to endure.

                              IP属地:美国21楼2010-06-21 09:11